
Is not having an aerial enough to stop a television from working? ?

by  |  earlier

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I want to buy a television to use with a Wii and DVD player but I dont want to use it as a television. I do not have an aerial, but is this enough to stop the televison being used or do I need to remove the channels?




  1. All you need to do is to hook up your game consoles to a video/audio input or an HDMI input on the TV.  Then choose that input with the remote.  It doesn't matter if you have an antenna hooked up or not. Whether channels are programmed into the set or not makes no difference.

  2. no the tv will be fine,just connect your scarts and away you go,happy gaming.

  3. Not legally in the UK (licence wise).

    But you don't need a television, you need a monitor - no tuner, no problem.

  4. you are allowed to use a television set without a licence as long as you do not intend to watch TV. we havent had a TV licence for about 25yrs and have not had one. the law actually states that you need a licence if you intend to watch TV broadcasts. we have many TVs just watching videos/DVDs and playing consloles. be prepared tho to be harrased by the licensing agency, especially if you buy a new TV (as theres a for you fill out so they can check you have a licence). not having an aerial will help your case. when they contact you tell them what you use it for and they should write you a letter saying its ok, keep hold of that. if they keep pestering you tell them its a violation against your human rights (which it is) this usually shuts them up. but you do not need to own a TV licence to own a TV, you can also watch TV on demand online without a licence as long as its not live. if you ask the TV licensing ppl they will tell you the same thing.

  5. as long as there isnt any cables connected to the aerial socket on the TV its ok. You can as well if you want go on to the tunning settings on Analogue and manually tune the first 5 channel numbers to a blank frequency, lets say CH21 or C21 , and as well on the Digital menu (if available) do a auto tune but without any aerial plug in, this will blank out the memory. after just test the TV using an indoor aerial to see if any channels are still picking up a viewable image and retune if necessary. As long as nothing is tuned properly you are ok and dont need a license.

    more info on:

  6. You don't need an aerial to play games or watch DVD's.

    I'm reading between the lines here and what I think you are saying is "Do i still need a TV licence?"

    Yes you do, whether you watch the channels or not. If the set is capable of receiving channels then you have to pay.

    Remember you only need 1 licence per house not TV, so as long as any other house members have one then you are fine. It would be hard to prove that you never watch any aired TV programmes.

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