
Is not having morning sickness mean my baby is not healthy?

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I just read that morning sickness is a sign of a healthy baby, well I have had close to no pregnancy symptoms and I am 10 weeks I am almost into my second trimester, is my baby healthy.




  1. No.

    Please look here for detailed information about morning sickness and its cures

    Hope it helps

  2. Your baby will be fine even if you don't have morning sickness.  My mother has 3 girls and the only time she was ever pregnant was with me.  With my other 2 sisters she was as healthy as a horse and not sick one day!

    You are just very lucky!

  3. No, it means you are lucky

  4. no

  5. Don't believe everything you read.  I only had morning sickness once when I was pregnant with my daughter and she was and still is a very healthy child. She is now 15 and only had problems with her tonsils.

  6. so, the women who dont get morning sickness at all have verrrry unhealthy babies.? no doesnt sound right does it. what you read is bull

  7. No. If you have no morning sickness it means you're just a very healthy person and it has nothing to do with the health of your baby.

    I never had morning sickness and I have two very healthy daughters.

    Your baby is OK.

  8. means baby is retarded

    Geesh people i was lord...dont kill me now

  9. Enjoy not having it!!!  It is the worst side effect of pregnancy....don't be sad that you don't have it!  Your baby is fine...enjoy your pregnancy!

  10. Not at all.  It just means that your body adjusts easier than others to the changing hormones.

    Women who get nausea just don't react as well to the flood of progesterone.

  11. Morning sickness means NOTHING. I never had morning sickness and my son is very healthy. Relax dont worry.

    Im 27.6wks pregnant

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