
Is not the debate of God's existence or non-existence futile.?

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I come on here every now and again hoping to see something new and interesting but it seems to be the same arguments rehashed everyday. The fact of the matter is debating the existence of God will not have a conclusion. I am a Christ follower I admit that I have no proof of the existence of God all I have is faith. I understand that I can not prove one thing about what I believe. All I have is hope and faith and no one will know who is right until we die. So why do we debate that which we can not prove? Theists will continue to believe atheists will continue not to believe. Can anyone on here actually say they changed an opinion based on something they read on Yahoo Answers? It is a nice form of entertainment and a nice break in the day to read some of the postings some very intelligent and witty others not so much. But bottom line is does anyone actually take this site as a serious forum for open and honest dialogue about beliefs?




  1. As you said, each has answered that question to his or her own satisfaction long before arriving at this forum.

    Nonetheless, there are, occasionally, a few who really hope to learn. It for those few that I come. The rest of the time.... well, I'd rather be doing this than polishing the brightwork around here.

  2. Well written, Jason. I, personally, do not take this site seriously and I've never seen any real debate. I agree that the debate is essentially futile and only come here for entertainment.

  3. I think we all have to admit that much of the rhetoric here is futile.  But when you use terms like "know" and "prove" in your question, you are presuming very particular meanings that perhaps not everyone shares.

    Perhaps (and I think we all hope) people aren't converted either direction because of something they read on Yahoo! Answers.  On the other hand, this can be a useful forum for interrogating one's beliefs and encountering formerly unconsidered arguments.  If people are encouraged to pursue further inquiry on their own or with others outside this forum, then these boards are not futile.

    Although people may not changed their minds after joining, that doesn't mean they haven't gained clarity or interest in the subjects debated, which is only as much as one should reasonably hope for in this environment.

  4. Your problem is, you are content to have faith and not try to convert anyone. Where's the fun in that? If all believers behaved like you, imagine all the fun I'd miss every day.

    You're a good influence: go away!

  5. If you are using Answers as your method of learning religion, you really need a reality check.

    On here, there is no solution, there are opinions.

    Some are good, some are bad, and a few are unreadable.

    The opinions expressed are eclectic, sometimes interesting, but always opinions.

  6. Jason... Per instructions by the bible we are to give an answer of the hope that lies within us. With all due respect your rather caviler casual attitude might suggest you need to examine your spiritual condition. We are to testify and witness to knowledge of the truth of Gods word. It's the main reason a Christian is saved in the first place..  I don't know for sure how many people have been saved on here as a result of my witnessing and neither do you... We are to plant seeds of faith and planting those seeds requires defending the existence of God.. I leave it up to God as to whether or not those seeds take root..But because we can not see the outcome or result of our labor should not deter us from carrying out the work Jesus commissioned us to do ..Anyways I hope that helped...God bless you !

  7. Not at all. It's reasonably likely that many of us atheists would still be believers if we didn't know that there are others aware that there are no gods. (remember that many and probably most of us atheists used to be believers).

    I respect you for your mature decision to admit that your belief in god is based in faith - that's pretty rare around here. I'd sure like to see other believers follow your lead - you're in a position to do some good for Christianity, if you're willing to direct your efforts at the believers who dishonestly insist that they have evidence or even proof for the existence of gods.

  8. i am sure a million years down the road, these questions will keep on surfacing becos god cannot stop creating and new people will keep on questioning with the same ignorance and doubt. If its shows how non existence GOD is. Time will show the truth.

  9. It is like trying to debate your own existence to yourself. I am absolutely certain that I exist.

  10. Of course it is, but so is most anythign else humans do. We all die, why bother being healthy?  

  11. The debate is not based on the same framework or ground assumptions for both sides, thus it is futile.

  12. It truly is futile.  No one can convince me to stop believing what I believe.  Or anyone else

  13. Resistance is futile.

  14. Hmm, I think  YOU miss one of the greatest points of HAVING the internet... and debating on Yahoo.  

      More than likely our debates are read by people that do NOT participate... our posting may be JUST what God wanted THAT person to see at THAT moment... AND WE were there to say "YES LORD"  with our humble posts.

  15. It's futile. What proof is there for us to unlock?

    I prefer to answer questions that relate to discovery of another's beliefs. It's so much more fun to learn what people believe and what their rituals mean. I'm not averse to a good joke, life would be so dull without them, but it does go on way too much.


    ~Loving Light~

  16. The more comprehensible the universe seems, the more it also seems pointless.

  17. Yes, it's futile, and if people came here to say "I believe X, Y, and Z" and left it at that, we might not have all the juvenile name-calling and sarcasm that poses at real questions or answers.

    The problem comes in when people come here to say "I believe X, Y and Z, and if YOU don't, you're stupid and/or going to burn in h**l!"

    That tends to rile people up and the "nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah" wars are up and running.

  18. I'm going to start this off by saying right off the bat that I'm an atheist so my opinion is biased.  But I'm not a radical, angry atheist and I have no problem accepting others' beliefs.

    Yes, the argument is futile in that it can't be conclusively proven one way or another.  People are going to continue to have that argument and endlessly try to sway other peoples opinions one way or another, something that most of the time never happens.  To me what's important is that I feel good about my own beliefs, because isn't that what everyone else who believes in anything is doing?  Believing something because it makes sense to you and gives you comfort when you wake up in the morning and go to bed at night?  I wish people, instead of arguing over religion, would just learn to accept each others' differences and not let something as personal and individual as religious beliefs be the cause of so much pain and negativity in the world, but realistically that won't happen until some major catastrophic event unites people of differing beliefs and backgrounds towards a common goal, and sadly that's going to involve a lot of people dying.

    I also have respect for people who believe in a higher power.  I understand what it means to believe in something even though there isn't scientific evidence that proves that it exists.  Yes, I'm an atheist, but the concept isn't completely foreign to me.  So I'm not the type to hold that against anyone.  What I'm trying to say is that it just doesn't matter what other people believe as long as you're secure in your own beliefs and you don't let those differences get between you.

  19. I don't believe it's futile at all. How do we know that something we say may 'plant a seed'? If one soul is saved, then it was well worth it. I agree with one other poster about maybe God has those He wants to see these posts do so. Yahoo Q&A can be found elsewhere, not just by us posters. I agree, we cannot prove God exists, and it is our faith that keeps us believing in God. I feel that my prayers being answered on a daily basis are a sign that God is there and answering my prayers and blessing me every day. If it's not Him, then who IS doing it?I will always believe in God, no matter what negativity I run across on here.That's my view of your question :)

  20. I partially agree with you. It's not that there is no way one can prove the existence of God. In that case our belief would be pure superstition. I don't accept that position.

    Moreover, there are minds constantly being changed everyday - either atheism to theism or vice versa. There's no way one can stay neutral.

  21. Dude, you are so right on!!!  

  22. Yes, the debate is futile. Consider this however. Men have constantly used whatever means they could to gain and hold power. Religion is the most powerful tool they could ever have found so they twisted the word of God to suit them.

    All I believe for sure are the words of Christ. Jesus spoke in parables and that proved tremendous insight and wisdom as they are still applicable today just as then. I trust that.

    My opinion is that we have been cheated by our ancestors of the truth and the knowledge of the true God has been lost.

  23. jason, y/a is not about changing your beliefs, its about getting all the information possible, its about trying to understand things

    and that is never futile

    we debate because its fun, its social interaction, its expressing our views and having others hear and listen and respond and express their own

    theres nothing futile about any of that

  24. you need to weed throug it some but there are actually some.

    don't be a glass half empty kinda' guy.

  25. It is not futile because without the discussion we would very likely not question our place in the universe.  It is these discussions that allow me to focus on what I believe, not just about God's existence but about how I am supposed to act and treat others.  It's futile as far as proving anything or convincing others, but not futile about providing inspiration.

  26. Yes.  I've known 3 people who changed their beliefs directly because of these discussions.  Personally, I used to be a bible literalist, soul-winning Christian and debates like these are what changed my mind.

  27. I think if this were a proper forum where we could chat back and forth, some very interesting conversations could be had.

    Although superficially it seems to be a question of is or isn't there a god, but really I think the things we argue about, and want to understand about each other are far more complicated and go to a deeper level to do with what is appropriate in modern society, what is just and fair, and about independent thinking, and morality, among other things.  So it would be a bit of a dead-end subject if gods existence was as far as it went, but that's not the case:)

  28. no..if u really wanna find out..kill urself

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  30. How can you change a person who believes they are right?

    For a christian it is only asked that we tell the truth of Jesus and leave it at that.

    But from time to time you get people asking for help,and some people just need corrected.

    For an Atheist they come looking for debate or to slander, but on the whole it is just about communication, something we all enjoy until it gets completely silly by some of the children here.

  31. Religion needs old fashioned brainwashing techniques to make a crazy story sound semi-valid and to survive, so in their eyes this repetition is not futile to the religious if they can manage to convert a few gullible fools.

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