
Is not watching the Olympics an effective protest against the human rights abuses in Tibet?

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Is not watching the Olympics an effective protest against the human rights abuses in Tibet?




  1. Tibet has nothing to do with the Olympic Games.The Monks don't have a team in the Olympics..How will anyone know that you're not watching the games?

  2. no, what good will it do?

  3. No, who would know that you are not watching it anyway?  

    I believe that the Olympics is one event that brings the entire planet together in a manner of mutual repect and admiration - to boycott or protest will only put a dent in international relations and goodwill - it will not have any positive effect on the cause of human rights and abuses in Tibet; in fact, it may even have an opposite effect.

  4. I actually don`t understand why we cannot see the Games as diplomacy with China so our two cultures can understand each other better -- the way Nixon did with a traveling ping pong team in the 1970s.

    Of course I think if Tibet needs a revolution and freedom (and I agree they do) they can rise up and have a revolution against tyranny the way America and France did.

  5. NOOO

    Why would a guy or gal running in Beijing have anything to do with Tibet?  Olympics are about athletics.

  6. No but it's a good way not to get angry at the nasty polluted country called China that is using the Olympics to fix its tarnished image, and actually only adding more tarnish with its  repressive actions. Imagine: they've imprisoned all the bloggers.

    This is the same horror that was Maoism.

  7. The dali lama advised against boycotting the olympics ....

  8. no

  9. Like you not watching the Olympics is going to change China's mind and just reinstate the Dali Lama.  And you giving money is going to help the people ind Dafur.

    The only one this will hurt is the sponsor.

  10. I absolutely agree with 'amyhpete'. It's funny how a large group of people can give up their own power and let another group take charge or one man take charge. That's why Cuba remaines communist and Cubans flee to the US all the time, and one reason why Hitler stayed in power, and why Stalin stayed around so long. (I'm well aware there are many other factors to these, but in the end, I believe it's the root problem).

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