
Is now a good time to buy a new Truck?

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With the great incentives and the huge depreciation on full size Trucks better to buy now or later, maybe year-end?




  1. Yep. But you might have to live in it!

  2. Their giving them away these days..Gas though..its a tough choice

  3. now never know?

  4. Gas is expensive.

  5. year end when they are closing out their old models and you can get a good deal. but they are gas gauzzlers!

  6. nope. gas! gas! gas!

    but today is the best time to buy a bike though =P

  7. with gas prices so high..i wouldnt

  8. You must be out of your mind to go buy a truck with the gas prices nowadays!

  9. Depends on why you are buying it. If it is for work, then now is a great time. There are some really killer deals out there that won't be any better in October.

    Also remember that if it is for work to talk to your accountant about how you are going to depreciate it. It can save you literally thousands on your taxes.

    The reason that I don't think the deals will get any better is that they already have changed production and layed off at the plants. So if anything production will be on the low side when the new models come out.

    Personally, I always look for a 2 year old truck with very low mileage and have done exceedingly well that way. I would encourage you to look that way. It will help avoid all the depreciation.

    -Economist with 2 masters degrees

  10. yes, best to buy now because dealers are just wheelin'-and-dealin' on full size SUVs and Pickup Trucks because gas prices are climbing really high and the dealers are having a hard time getting rid of these vehicles. of course i would not recommend driving one at all, but if it is a must, now is the time to buy.

  11. if our talking abut in respect to gas prices, no.

    if you mean prices, end of the yea is the best time to buy.

  12. no its not a good time to buy a truck. prices for a car are higher than ever and trucks use up A LOT of gas. so unless you're loaded, which i doubt because few are, then i wouldnt reccomend buying one.

  13. If you can afford to fuel a truck with gas as high as it is then now is a good time because a lot of places have more trucks then they can handle and want to get rid of them right away because no one wants them.  

  14. Its an election year so gas/diesel will continue to decline until 11/2.  Now is when you have extreme bargaining power, otherwise wait until the week before Christmas.

  15. well with gas prices fluxuating higher and slightly lower constantly most people dont want a truck...this is causing some companies to lower the prices of their trucks to compensate for gas prices. if you find a good deal the money you save could pay for some gas. it all depends on the dealer, make, year etc

  16. / Time is on your side.

    Trucks, SUV's and gas guzzlers are on the production line decline right now, and as gas goes up, these vehicles will get cheaper and cheaper until they are discontinued.

    If you can wait longer, you'll see the price fall even more (for better deals).


  17. Year-end, they will be cheaper by then, much more affordable.

  18. I prefer to think of it like this:  If you were going to buy a truck right now anyway, you might get it a little cheaper than you would have if oil was $30 a barrel.

    Just because something gets cheaper doesn't mean you need it.

  19. no, the economy is terrible

  20.   The only people who drive trucks are people in the Construction buisness.  Well thats my opinion, but U should'nt buy a truck because gas keeps going up and up.  Lets say they do give you a thousand dollar gas card, with your truck getting 12 miles a gallon and gas being 4 bucks a gallon, you'll use up the money in 2-3 months. Depending on how much you drive. T

  21. That would be the dumbest thing to do unless you are sitting on an Oil Empire.

    Buy a Hybrid

    Check out Toyota Prius

    They get like 40 miles to the gallon, and your truck would get like 15.

  22. yea buy at the end of the year.thire is some new model coming up all most all truck.they going to make cahnge in oil.  so u want the next generation truck technology truck

  23. the question is can you afford the payments and gas. That is why payments dropping people cant afford both anymore , So that is what you have to look at .

  24. ...the alternative fuel vehicles are even more they also include a premium cost over the normal vehicle price

    ....why? the auto manufacturers are passing the R&D costs fo alternatives to fossil fuels right on to the consumer (cost-plus-plus)

    ....every society and government has it's flaws question is why are we, as a society, indirectly punished for attempting to do ur indivudal part in using less fule, creating less greehouse gas, and also still supporting the American Auto Industry?

    ....REBELL!!!!! d**n IT!!!!!

  25. LIFE IS MORE THAN GAS PRICES. Wow! Novel idea!

    Yes, year-end prices tend to be rock-bottom, especially on truck and SUVs today. You've got tons of room to negotiate the price down and if you wait until December, you'll basically be able to give any number you want (exaggeration). If you want or need a truck, the longer you wait, the more deals and incentives you'll find.

    I may be one of the last few people on earth who doesn't think gas prices should rule the way we buy cars. If you find a great price on what you want, grab it.

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