
Is nude modeling ethical, even for the sake of art, drama or commercialism?

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There are many online websites and off line journals who publish nudity especially female oriented, and they argue that it’s for art. Are there any moral grounds for these people in the society? Why American laws support nudity anyway (first amendment)?

And why young females indulge them self in such activities, is there an issue of poverty, exposure or thrill (of getting naked in front of others) which persuade them to do so. How can we stop it? (If you think it’s wrong). What’s the solution because today 70 % of internet volume is consumed by them and every 7 links out of ten leads to them?




  1. what are you wearing?

  2. As an artist, its my opinion that nude modeling is very "true," and as any work of art, the "truth" is always present. Even if the artist does this form in a bad taste, its still presenting the "truth" as the human body is ture and finite. There is nothing immoral about showing one's body to the masses, and morality in art is the eye of the beholder. And I can only hope that people will not allow their own religious, morals, etc interfer what plainly is the "truth." Hope this sorta makes sense!!

  3. Well, yes, you are conflating nudity in the arts with pornography, aren't you?  Pornography used nakedness, but not all nakedness is p**n.

    It may interest you to know that many civilized societies have found nudity to be acceptable, even healthy.  The Greeks and Romans were not at all modest, they considered the nude human form to be glorious.  Japanese are less prudish about nudity than we are.

    So there's a great tradition in history of artists celebrating humanity by displaying people unclothed.

    On a more practical note, artists are incapable of rendering a fully-clothed human form with precision unless they've studied anatomy.  The masters of the Renaissance not only drew nude people, they even got cadavers and dissected them (da Vinci and Michelangelo advanced medical knowledge even as they were painting masterpieces).

    If you think nudity leads to immorality, then you must contend with this true statistic: there has never been a child raised in a nudist colony who was later convicted of a s*x crime.  See, removing all that prudishness and mystery leads to greater respect and self-control, not less.

    But go ahead and cover yourself with a birka if you like; I'm generally not one to force anyone else to conform to my values.

  4. There is a line between nudity and pornography. We love the beauty of the naked body and b*****s never hurt anybody. Young women are preyed upon, they do make bad decisions, they do mess up their lives, but not every nude model is damaged. Americans have the right to s***w up their lives.

    It is not up to the government to stop adults from engaging in these activities. It is up to us as parents to shelter our children from harmful images and to support other parents in their vigilance against this darker element. We strive to raise kids without perversions and kids that will grow into adults who make good choices.

  5. i feel that it is verry difficult to stop the onle way to lower is to by telling your child what is wrong what is right and let them decide if they have under stood your philososphy then they wont do it other wise?

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