
Is nutella chocolate vegetarian?

by  |  earlier

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ive look at the jar but there isnt a sign to say it is or isnt

can anyone help?




  1. Doe's it really matter, just spread it thick on bread and toast, enjoy eating it.

  2. it is but you can make your own:)

    1cup hazelnutbutter

    2ttbp cocoa powder

    1/2cup sugar

    vanilla & cinnamon to taste and BON APPETITE

  3. There is nothing in the ingredients to say no.

  4. I think so.

    Mmn best served with a spoon :)  I want some now :P

  5. yes - 100% veggie :P and tasty too! x

  6. No it contians animal products, plus it is made of mostly sugar and oil, that is what most of it is, sugar and oil.

  7. yes

  8. NO! Nothing ferreo make is, due to whey they use which contains animal rennet.

  9. Yeah.

  10. Maybe not vegan, but all other vegetarians can eat chocolate.

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