
Is oatmeal, cucumbers, and apples bad for iguanas?

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I feed my iguana all the necessary foods he needs to eat to be healthy but he likes to climb down my shoulder when I'm eating these certain foods, so i let him have a couple bites. I haven't found any information in iguana diets if these foods are ok for him. If they're not ok I do not wish to continue feeding them to him as they could be harmful to his liver or anything else internally.




  1. I think oatmeal should be okay, but it could be bad for him if you add too much salt or sugar or anything.

    Apples are definitely fine for him, and I assume cucumbers would be too, because iguanas can eat most fruit and vegetables, but I'm not entirely sure about cucumbers.

  2. You should not feed your Iguana oatmeal. This is a type of fiber that is not typically found in their natural diet. Cucumbers and apples are fine for them, just be sure not to give your Iguana apple seeds.  

  3. Give it lettuce... i fed them in aruba and they loved it. thats what the lady said to give them!

  4. The cucumbers don't have a lot of nutrients and are ok to supplement water intake, but you need to peel them first.

  5. Links for food, get the easy stuff done first:

    Oatmeal: Of course this should only be as a "treat" NOT a daily food source. NO salt, NO sugar, NO cinnamon, etc. Just cooked in water. Of course you should NOT be giving your ig very much, 1/2 tablespoon or so. I would give 12 grain wheat bread (SOAKED) over giving your ig oatmeal.

    Apples: very little to none ... too much acid and can be appetite suppressant

    Lettuce: If you're refering to lettuce us humans usually eat, this is not healthy for your ig, has no nutrience mostly water

    Cucumber: No nutritions, water only

    Daily food should have 5-7 good staple greens (2-3 cups a day if not more younger igs may eat less then 1/4 cup) ... collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, dandelion greens (if you can find), endive, radicchio, arugula, mache (if you can find), watercress ... some greens to give occasionally kale, bok choy, escarole ... adding basil for young igs sometimes helps them eat ... romaine is mostly water no nutrience, you can add small amount and occasionally in w/ the good staple greens (collard, mustard, etc) but do not make romaine just your iguanas choice of greens (or any other type of lettuce most of us humans eat) ... some things to add (small amounts) snap peas, bell peppers (every now and then), parsnip, sweet potato/yam, acorn squash, butternut squash, buttercup squash ... fruits should only be given every now and then once or twice a week type of thing fruits are like junk food to iguanas ... some fruits to try papay, kiwi, mango, raspberries, strawberries, grapes, honeydew (great water source), canalope (great water source), 12 grain wheat bread ... if anything has seeds make sure you remove seed before you give it to your iguana anything w/ small seeds like strawberries wait like 3 days before giving anymore ... watermelon (seedless) can be frozen and then shaved onto your iguanas food helps w/ hydration everyday ... there are some foods that aren't good for your iguana: spinach has oxalate acids bind to the calcium, so even though spinach is high in calcium, almost none is actually available for the iguana to use, also the oxalate acids can form oxalate crystals which can and do build up in the kidneys causing kidney damage/failure ... some ig owners do give there ig spinach but in very small amounts and only once a month ... corn igs can not digest ... carrots can block calcium absorption ... bananas are low in calcium best to give another type of fruit ... apples too much acid - appetite suppressant ... food should be cut/chopped/diced no bigger then the iguanas head, if they are small having a chopper chop them up, or slice them into very small pieces ... spray/mist food to help w/ water/hydration

    Sites for you to read: - -

    A great book to read and have on hand:

    Iguanas for Dummies by Melissa Kaplan

    Yahoo has some great sites for Iguana owners... these groups helped me and still help w/ questions .. if you'd like to join: -

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