
Is obama's plan to stop illegal immigration?

by Guest44868  |  earlier

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To break us with taxes and make it better to live in mexico?




  1. h**l NO............he wants to give them ALL FREE HEALTHCARE ON YOURS AND MY TAX DOLLAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. Obama and McCain both intend to protect illegals. Obama recently made a speech on health care, and he stated that he wanted health care all of the 47 million uninsured. That figure includes the 12 million estimated illegals, a figure that many (and I believe they are right)  believe is much to low. He also has stated in the past to amnesty advocates that in his first year as President; immigration reform (code speak for amnesty) would be a priority. (The will of the people be damned, my opinion)

    McCain has basically Pandered to the same people lulac, La Raza (The Race) and his record shows that he has recently, already tried to shove amnesty down our throats. Obama McCain? For gods sake vote, but send a message, vote for any third party candidate.

  3. There's already a wall plan (billions of dollars of tax payers money) to raise a higher steel wall that crosses the entire border.

  4. I think his plan is to let them all in and give them whatever they want.  Obama disgusts me.  I can't believe how the media kisses his @@@.  This guy hasn't said one word on how he's going to fix the problems of the US.  All he does is state the same tired rhetoric.  I'm not happy with McCain either but I think he's the least of the evils and because of his age, I could see his serving 1 term, so if it doesn't work out, he could be replaced in 4 years.

  5. I doubt we could ever stop "illegal" immigration completely, unless we stopped regulating immigration entirely.

    BTW, JaneH, have you ever heard of the Rush-Bagot Treaty? By the terms of the Rush-Bagot Treaty, both the U.S. and Canada are prohibited from fortifying their borders with the other country. I think that would include fences.

  6. no

  7. If a fence is going to be built between the US and Mexico, then there should be ones built on the US Canadian border, the East and West Coast. Mexicans are not the only illegals in this country.

  8. no, hes just going to make the fences higher

  9. Yes, Obama's plan is to make us just as poor as Mexico. Maybe we should all go there to live?

  10. Who knows but Jane H you are retarded, oh yes there are so many illegal Canadians swarming our country what will we do. Give me a break. We should wall you up.

  11. He only wants to stop illegal immigration to Mecca.....

  12. their will be more immigration.

  13. Obama is a child in a mans body.  He if elected will destroy this once great country.

  14. No, his plan is to "tear down the walls... of immigration", per his speech in Germany

  15. No, his plan is to make all the illegal criminal alien invaders legal, thus, no more illegals.

  16. He is too.  He is going to provide the illegal aliens amnesty which is very expensive, and provide them with health care.

  17. Obama wants more illegal immigration. He wants more poor people dependent on government. He is a socialist!!!

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