
Is obama's tax plan better for a majority of Americans?

by Guest64197  |  earlier

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  1. What makes you people think things will be any better with Obama? as he takes orders from the same Elite as Bush, things will change, but you will still go down the plug hole, your country will still be destoyed, but it's the same story in the UK, the polls show that people are gagging to get Labour out and Tories in, and if they do, then nothing will change, the Tories went to all that halla balloo about a referendum yet they never say they would come out of the EU if elected, but people are so, so, dumbed down, they only believe the media, which is controled by the Elite.

  2. no its not espcially in a recesion we need tax cuts for coprations in order to create more jobs escpially for the oil compimes and this propsoed addtinal money for school and infrstrcutre is great but where will the money come from he proposes ending tax cuts creating less jobs and ending the war which i argee with but must be done slowly and respibile not like he wnats which is rash and will create devstating effects later on

  3. It will fall like a rock more government is what we do not need

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