
Is obama going down against mccain?

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just like hillary went down on obama? i remember hillary was the "one" at one time. almost guaranteed to win.




  1. Obama's getting flustered and frustrated the cracks in his lightweight three piece suit were already beginning to show. Now with the choice of Palin as VP the entire premise of Obama's "hope and change" message has been exposed as false.  Obama's on the ropes and pinned in the corner the only way out for him now is to swing blindly and inefectively

  2. all I need to say here is ... Obama for president

  3. Going down? No

    He already went down.  Now that Palin's in the picture, there's a better chance for a July snowstorm in San Diego than Obama winning the election.

  4. Did the empty suit really ever stand any serious chance to run the most powerful and wonderful country with no d**n resume? NO, he didn't.

  5. not a chance!!!!   even with all the make believe negative polls and negative media soundbites .we as humane people can see right thru all that. who do those goofballs think there dealing with?  people are coming out in record numbers for a reason, HONEST leadership!!!!  the only way obama is going down is, going down pennsylvania ave. straight to the white house. so go ahead with your made up negative ads. were smarter than you were lead to believe. a new dawn is on the horizon and WE THE PEOPLE will insure obama the presidency.

  6. Not if theres a God

  7. no he's winning

  8. not in this lifetime.


  9. It sure looks that way.

    And Barry is no stranger to "going down" if the stories are true. And if they are not true, why hasn't Barry sued the c**p out of this guy for defamation?

    No response from Barry because he is hoping it will "blow" over.

  10. Nope.

    Prepare for the race of a century.

  11. I think if it were McCain/AnyoneElse, Obama would win it.  Against McCain/Palin, however ... he's going to have a real fight on his hands.  All the Republicans needed to do was to win over the 62 million people who voted for Bush in 2004.  They may have done that with Palin.  I haven't seen conservatives this excited and happy all year.


  13. How the h**l is Obama going to do all the things he claims, yet lower everyones taxes?

    Come on-wake up. Its a bit like saying you are going to buy a new Cadillac when you only make $20,000 a year.  

  14. yeah id say obama is gonna blow mccains p***s all said and done

  15. Not after that announcement yesterday...I was worried but I am now relieved. Thanks McCain! Obama 08 oh and Obama 12

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