
Is obama pandering to the right now?

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by going on the oreilly factor tonight? after all that he has said and criticized fox about, how doe the chosen one bring himself down to the level of fox and their viewers? is this not a desperate move by him and his party as they see they might be falling behind? after all, if they were feeling good about their chances, would they really go on oreilly?




  1. O'Reilly was "easy" on Hillary, I imagine he also will be "easy" on Obama.

    btw, not an Obama supporter, or Hillary for that matter, just how it is.

  2. Obama is reaching across the isle.  

  3. Maybe... Not quiet sure what your're asking

  4. B.O. will adjust his views, ideas to cater to the present thoughts of the voters.  Even if it was a big move to the right

  5. The Chosen One?!?! WHAT THE h**l?!?! He is nothing but an ignorant man. He is uninformed and inexperienced!! He is reaching for any last grasp of hope, knowing that this is a republican nation!! People may *****, but do they forget that they voted Bush in for two consecutive terms?!?! He is a mud slinging c**p talking liberal that would drive this country to straight to h**l. He believes that we should be more civilized like "Europe" and that it's okay for underage girls to cross state lines to get abortions without parental knowledge!! I mean come on, what happened to morals?

  6. Hey friend, I'm with you. But let's not complain because they won't go on Fox and then bash them when they do. We need them to go on Fox so that we can hear them answer real questions. Good job Obama for going on O'Reilly. I ha vent seen your interview yet but I'm sure you sucked.  

  7. He's just stupid. He'll do anything or be anyone to get votes. What an idiot.

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