
Is obama starting to look like a republican to you?

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he is to me. have your views on him changed since he picked joe biden as vice president?




  1. No.  Unfortunately, he has to appeal to the centrist voters, in order, to get elected.

  2. I heard that McCain resembles a Dem.

  3. No, he still looks like a misguided socialist.

  4. Not even close....he plans to tax us to death to pay for all of his social programs.

    He is moving to the center (or trying to) for the general election, but if he is elected he will go right back to his lefty ways.

  5. No. He's a typical politician, and politics are about games. It's quite obvious as to why he chose Joe Biden...he's trying to sway some republicans and unsure democrats. There's so much talk about his inexperience, so what does he do...he select a vp with experience (and one that also questioned his experience). It's part of the game!!

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