
Is observation an essential vital in dealing the needs of special children?explain XD?

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Is observation an essential vital in dealing the needs of special children?explain XD?




  1. I guess we need more info.  How old is the child, what is the concern, etc... What kind of academic progress or failure to progress is being reported? Does the child exhibit disruptive behaviors that interfere with their learning, the classroom or instructional setting? Observations often give us much more information than teacher reports.  God love our gen ed teachers, but they are overwhelmed and a struggling kid just stretches their planning and attention even thinner.  Sometimes the level of frustration felt by a gen. ed. teacher slants their observations and the sped. teacher brings fresh eyes to the whole situation.  In some respects observation is extremely important; like with very young children.

  2. Absolutely. You need to know thier likes and dislikes and what motivates them to learn just like it is to watch normal children. My son is autistic and they learned real quick to watch mikey instead of reading his file.

    Hope I helped

  3. Yes it is... especially in very early years. The developmental stages for each child differs.... some respond and communicate very early while others take time. Observation is by far the best way to see how our children are progressing.

  4. Yes and no, it just one aspect of your vital needs to do - observant,sensible, know how to read and interpret gesture and possible teach the person to respond and communicate - they can be taugth on the first ( quiet difficult but you have o be patience and kind).

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