
Is ochoa the best mexican goalie in history??

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Is ochoa the best mexican goalie in history??




  1. are you guys serious!??!?! Memo Ochoa put upon of the greats in Mexican history? no mamen!!

    Jorge Campos, Antonio Carbajal, Adolfo Rios, Oswaldo Sanchez all in their prime where better than Memo Ochoa! Ochoa still has alot to grow. yes he has great ability and great reflexes, but his salida is weak, and his decesion making is also very weak....

    you americanistas gotta relax with blowing up memo ochoa, he is good pero relax people, he is not near the best in Mexican history.

    Has he gone to a world cup? no.....neither did Rios, but he was a great goolie with alot of bad luck....

  2. Well Jorge Campos was pretty good too..but if Memo goes to Europe everything can change

  3. jorge campos is but if memo goes to the world cup and takes mexico to at least semi finals then he might be the best mexican goalie in history

  4. He could be, but not vote goes to Campos.  

  5. Give memo a couple more years & he will..

    c'mon look at all hes done at such a young age

  6. its between ochoa and Jorge Campos both of them are good i perfer jorge campos tho

  7. yezzir..

  8. No,Jorge Campos was better.

  9. noo im the best jk ochoa is in my eyes the best goalie so far in mexican history. the thing jorge campos was better in was that he was a striker as well as a goalie. that is one of the things that would make campos better that ochoa.

  10. Not at the momment but trust me he will be in a few years.

  11. Of course he was considerd the 3 bse gollie in the world and have u seen him play his incrdible!!!!!!!

  12. Not yet it was Antonio Carbajal so it goes like this




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