
Is oil the root of all evil?

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Is oil the root of all evil?




  1. I thought it is rabbits!



  3. No, it's just a vessel.

  4. it all boils down to money and power.  

  5. No, Paris Hilton is.

  6. Yes. So stop using it and leave the rest to us sinners.

  7. Greed, Power its what keeps humans going, what drives us,

      were constantly battling these feelings, some of us get through and some of us let these  things take us over- human nature is the root of all evil, and also all good. Well thats my little opinion, good question :)

  8. If so, then we won't have a problem when we run out.

  9. Oil falls into the category of "the love of money". is the root of all evil.

  10. How is oil the root of all evil?

    I'll tell you exactly what oil is, it's the result of rotten plant-life and tiny dead animals being squished at the bottom of the sea by layers and layers of mud, the immense pressure causes oil to be produced.

    It's a business, nothing else to be said. Business is brutal.

    Y'know it makes me laugh, because people say oh oil is this, and oil is that . . . but since the economy's pretty much dire, and people can't afford oil (feul I mean) they're in a state of crisis.

  11. Oil is valuable BECAUSE OF MONEY.... so money is the route... as the bible says.  

  12. ...not oil, friend -- money!

  13. I guess you don't live in the north, where sometimes it is very cold in the winter.  Or maybe you don't drive long distances to see your family.

    Don't blame all the world's ills (or percieved ills) on an object.  People will always be people, regardless of what the important object of the day is.

  14. no the money that comes from it is

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