
Is ok to let my kids go barefoot at dorney park?

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Is ok to let my kids go barefoot at dorney park?




  1. I don't know the park, but usually barefoot is ok in grassy areas, but bring shoes and put them on when playing on structures and such.

  2. I might but kids do not look where they are going

  3. I don't know Dorney park, but unless it's a total garbage dump truly *covered* in litter, glass, metal and other junk (where you shouldn't let your kids play anyhow), it's actually much better for your kids' feet, body and overall health to play barefoot.

    People are very biased against bare feet, and over-protective in general. But feet are much stronger than most people think; going barefoot is NOT dangerous, unhealthy or gross. I've been barefoot for more than eleven years and I get a tiny splinter maybe once a year, I've NEVER had a cut. As for dirt, our skin is made to keep pathogens out, and feet are fully washable. Nor is it likely to pick up parasites from going barefoot; hookworm has been pretty much eradicated in the South since modern plumbing has replaced the outhouses, and never was a problem in cooler climates. Athlete's foot is also rare when you go barefoot always or almost all the time; it's a fungus and needs the warm, dark and damp environment of a shoe to grow but on the bare skin, exposed to light and fresh air, it'll dry up and die even if they pick up some spores. Nor do feet need support; a survey showed the Rikshaw coolies in India had very good feet, with far less foot trouble than Western folks with all their footwear & jobs less demanding on the feet. And flat feet are *more* likely to develop in shoe-wearing kids. See source for more on all of this.

    More generally, exposure to a bit of dirt won't hurt; it's actually good for people, especially children. Too clean can cause problems with the immune system & allergies! Even in cool weather, it's a myth that cold feet causes colds. Keep their *core* temperature warm, that is what counts, not our hands or feet. I used to be sickly from early fall until late spring, but in all those years I've been barefoot year-round I only called in sick once (for two days, and not in winter).

  4. Eeuuuwww, no.

  5. i dont think so you dont know whats on the ground! thorns, rusty nails, glass, desises... scince you and your child do not know the enviorment very well you and your child cant tell what to stay away from!

  6. No

  7. NO!!! there could be glass and bitting bugs im not a germ afoe but please who cares if they scream cuz they wanna take ther shoes off, keep those shoes on

  8. NO!!! I did this when our 3rd grade class went to a park for a field trip, and stepped on a rusty nail stuck to a 2X4. My friend had to help me pull it out, it went all the way through my foot.  My foot swelled and turned blue, I could have gotten lock jaw.

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