
Is old TB a rejection for UAE VISA?

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had TB in 1998 which is cured in the same year.since then i have been physically fit.but i still have some minor scars still in lungs which are cured..these scars would remain permenatly.will old TB be a rejection for UAE visa or only active TB be reson for rejection??




  1. Normally a cured TB is not a reason for a rejection. But - it depends on your occcupation. You will be rejected if you will work in the food industry, hospitality, with kids, domestic help, etc. Any other job should be okay.

    Bring all your medical papers with you.

    All the best.

  2. you'll have to take a chest x-ray before you can get a work visa.  i have no idea on how to answer your question.  maybe somebody else can give you some advice.  good luck.  

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