
Is old liqueur safe to drink ?

by Guest58929  |  earlier

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I know it is ok to drink old Liqours, but does the same apply for Liqueurs ? The reason I ask is that I have a 20 year old bottle of drambuie and I'm wondering if it could go bad or not.




  1. i think is totally safe, drambuie is made out of whiskey and honey and fine herbs, so... they dont seem to spoil. probably it´d taste batter after 20 years!

  2. The lower ABV in liquors makes them suspect. Liquors have enough alcohol to keep the bacteria out.

    If the seal is good, I might personally consider it, but it the seal has failed or it's been opened I wouldn't touch it.

  3. the older the better

  4. for liqueurs, due to the high sugar content, just make sure they are well sealed when storing, and store in a dark cabinet. sugar will crystallize in liqueurs if air can get to the liqueur.

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