
Is olive good to eat coz i eat lot but ,someone told me it is not good for health?

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i want know all abt olive...




  1. Olives: How Healthy are They? Which Olives are Best?


    Olives are one of the oldest foods known to man, dating back some 8,000 years in the Mediterranean region. The olive tree was valued as a symbol of peace and happiness, while olives were used as food and a source of oil.

    Olive soup is a good remedy for a sore throat, according to traditional Chinese medicine (it's also the only time olives are used in Chinese cuisine).

    Today everyone knows how good olive oil is for health, but the humble olive is often passed up (often because they've unfairly gotten a bad rap for being high in fat). However, olives are actually a very healthy fruit, one that's been lending superb nutrition to mankind for centuries. So there's no need to pass up that tempting olive bar at the market any longer -- olives are good for you!

    All Olives Start Out Green

    If you take a look at your local supermarket, you'll see olives in a rainbow of colors, from green to brown to purple to black, with flavors just as diverse, ranging from sweet to sour. But all olives actually start out the same: green.

    Unripe olives are incredibly bitter and not edible. To become the tasty fruits you're more familiar with, they must have their bitterness, which is caused by a substance called oleuropin, removed. This is done through a variety of curing processes, as even simply cooking an olive is not enough to get rid of the bitterness.

    Some Olive Varieties You

    May Not Have Heard Of …

    Beldi: A small, fruity olive from Morocco.

    Halkidiki: A tangy green olive from Greece's Halkidiki peninsula.

    Gaeta: A small, salty Italian olive.

    Cerignola: A very meaty, giant green olive harvested in Cerignola, Italy.

    Bitetto: A sweeter olive from southern Italy.

    Olives are picked at varying stages of ripeness (as they ripen they gradually turn from green to black) and cured using one of several processes, including soaking in oil, brine or water, or dry packing in salt. A more artificial (but faster, taking only days as opposed to months) method also used (particularly for canned black olives) is soaking the olives in lye, which removes the bitterness but also takes away much of the olive's flavor.

    The Health Benefits of Olives

    Traditionally cured olives, such as those found at most olive bars, offer a host of health benefits. For starters, they're rich in iron, vitamin E and copper, and are an excellent source of fiber. But what about all the fat?

    It's true that olives do have some fat, but it's the incredibly healthy monounsaturated variety. Monounsaturated fats have been found to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and increase HDL (good) cholesterol.

    However, olives contain a triple whammy for your health that works in synergy to provide extreme benefits. Along with monounsaturated fats, olives are rich in vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant that neutralizes damaging free radicals, along with polyphenols and flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

    It is the combination of these three health-boosting compounds that make olives:

    Have a protective effect on cells that can lower the risk of damage and inflammation

    Help reduce the severity of asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis

    Help prevent heart disease

    Help prevent colon cancer

    Help prevent the frequency and intensity of hot flashes in women going though menopause

    When choosing olives for their health benefits (and flavor) always opt for those that have been traditionally cured (as opposed to lye-processed). No matter what the variety, they're sure to add a burst of flavor and nutrition to any dish.

  2. sometimes olives are bad for you

    bad olive circumstances:

    some poisoned it

    its a booby trap

    its been boiled

    its  had a bug on it

    you dropped it

    or if you eat too much

    or maybe it might have a bomb in there...

    olives are great for you health other wise...

    so just enjoy your olives...

  3. Olives are good for you, but everything in moderation.

  4. Olive oil is good for you actually. It's good for your cardivascular system, digestive system, and matabulism. Its also full of vitamen E. Eat up and enjoy.

  5. overeating of any thing is not good for help,so eat in control.

  6. Ask a Spaniard.  They eat them all the time over there.  Good healthy food.  Low in calories, has the right oil for your heart.  And, BTW, they taste nothing like that junk from a can.


  8. What utter bullshit......olives are very healthy. Check out the following link to know more about olives.

  9. yes, olive oil is good for our health, but remember, do not cook your food with olive oil, because olive oil have lot of unsaturated chemical bond, if you cook it the bond will break and it will easily oxidize. thus it is no good for your health.

    so i recommend you not to cook food with olive oil

  10. Overeating anything is bad enuf...................u shud hav a balancd diet....

  11. Yes. Olives are good to eat as well as OILextracted from olives is used in cooking.  Good for the heart.

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