
Is one born with an eating disorder?

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I am a compulsive eater, but I only started to really have eating problems when I turned 13. But I was wondering if we are born with it, and if maybe it shows up when we hit puberty.




  1. Well, sometimes it can be hereditary, so sort of yes, but not always.  

  2. No, my eating disorder started after my my early teens. I think it can happen at anytime, but mostly in teenage years.

  3. No. I have/had bulimia . It started because I was being put down all the time. I started hating myself and hated getting picked on. Every time I ate something I threw it up. I had this problem for years. I got help for it. Eating disorders are mental honey.

  4. i was bulimic. It isnt something you are born with, just happens,and usually it is after a traumatic event, like rape or teen life in general.

    I was put down alot from my mom, because of my being overweight, and i couldnt take it.

    Come to find out, my aunts on my daddy's side, several of them, are anorexic/ bulimic.

    It can be dealt with, but I hate to tell you this: it can never be cured.

  5. no

    ppl are not born with eating disorders

    ( =

  6. When you are a teenager 12-18 your eating can become very intense as there are changes in hormonal levels so sometimes you will be eating a lot and your body becomes bigger and at other times it seems as if you have barely eaten a thing and your body feels thinner.  Its normal.

  7. I don't think we are born into it, society forces us to be a certain "thing" if we can compete and get what people expect, we feel c**p, and go get comfort - food.

  8. Nah, not when you were born, a little after that.

    It has a lot to do with psycology..Babies that aren't held often tend to have eating disorders when they are older for a number of reasons..Surley there is a psycological explaination for over eating as well.

  9. No i dont think you are born with it. I think for some eating disorders you learn to use it as a control or a comfort mechanism.  

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