
Is one hour of swimming per day capable of creating a ripped body? (While on low fat diet of course)?

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Is one hour of swimming per day capable of creating a ripped body? (While on low fat diet of course)?




  1. definitely but it depends on your body type also i get muscles really fast after a week of going to the gym u start noticing but my friends need more it depends a lot on your body..... but i think it would......

    answer mine please

  2. It will really do nothing for you.  It will help a little with getting into better cardio shape and may give you more endurance but it will not make you lose weight.  You need to really sweat a lot to lose weight.  I know people who walk a few miles every day and still the same weight 2 years later.  I also know people who have lost 50 pounds in 2 months.  to lose weight you must burn more calories than you take in.  you would be lucky to burn 500 calories in an hour swim.

  3. No, swimming does not usually give you that ripped look even if you swim alot.  You should add some weight training if you want the ripped look.

  4. regardless of what other people here are saying, swimming can build up a good bit of muscle. Swimming for an hour a day isn't going to do a thing for you.

    I swam for about 6 years, towards the end I was swimming for 2 hours in the morning and 3 in the evening 6 days a week. I did a little bit of weight lifting, but all very low weight and high reps. I wasn't huge by any means, but I was always looking for a reason to go shirtless around the ladies.

    So yes It can get you pretty ripped, but there are more efficient ways of doing it.

  5. Swimming and eating right will help you lose weight, get in shape, and gain some muscle, but will not lead to a ripped body.  If you want a lot of definition, you will have to do that along with lifting weights and doing ab exercises.

    So with your swim exercise, lift wights about 3-5 times a week.  Each day mix it up, as in do back and shoulders one day, biceps and triceps the next, then legs another day, (not in that specific order or combination, but find what feels good to you).  Just make sure to hit all major muscle groups within the week.  Do abs at least 5-6 days a week.  All of this good exercise and wight lifting will definitely help you get the body you want!  And it will also make you feel better!  Working out is a great stress relief.

    Well good luck!

  6. Swimming will help you to take off some excess body fat no matter what body type you are (granted you are swimming hard, not coasting and your stroke is being performed correctly.) I know that if I go without swimming for a while I start to gain a few pounds around my belly. However, after starting up swimming again those pounds begin to disappear fairly quickly.

    As far as creating a ripped body, perhaps, but not a guarantee. Your muscles will get stronger, definitely. In my case, my arms and shoulders do get noticeably bigger. My stomach is flat, but my abs are not very visible. Whereas, my brother can swim for just a couple weeks and will already have a six pack.

    So in my opinion, fat will go, muscle will come, but the way that muscle presents itself may vary.

  7. after a year or so, i swim around 2 hours a day and im fat. I eat ok. You should also run 1 hour a day, and maybe lift some weigths.

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