
Is one of the pillars of feminism to deny men the right to be victims themselves?

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or are pillars too phallic a metaphor?




  1. I would say so

  2. I think depending on how you look at it, feminism puts more emphasis on who necessarily might have built those "pillars", and for what reasons.  Traditional gender roles and expectations were/are created and continue to be followed by numerous members of modern society, and not all of them are beneficial.

    Most intelligent people wouldn't want to deny you of any of your rights, but would want to free you from those aforementioned expectations and pressures which you might deal with as a male.  If one feels victimized, it's likely for a valid reason, regardless of s*x.

  3. feminism is artificial lie based on a system that pillages tax dollars in exchange for funding self perpetuating victim industries that are moot.

    Equal rights have long been the law for decates.  End of argument, end of feminism.

    There is no need for it.

  4. You wouldn't know it by all the victims on here. That's all anti feminists do is whine about what victims they are, and what meanies feminists are. EDIT As for some fool claiming feminists claim men and boys bring sexual assault on themselves, that's just plain c**p. Just more projection of what they do onto feminists, since they claim women bring rape on themselves.

  5. I would say that it isn't one of the pillars of feminism - the main pillar is to blame men for women's problems.  Most of those problems don't exist anymore. So I actually find both feminists and men who act victimized to both be annoying.

    Women are pretty much equal in most areas at this point so being a feminist is just a form of self-victimization.

  6. It's not a "right" to be a victim, being a victim is just something that happens. I know what you mean and everything, but I think what you mean to ask is, "Is one of the pillars of feminism to deny men a voice when they speak out about their experiences with systematic sexism." Anyway, to answer your question, there was an article on (a feminist website) last month about a female teacher who molested her 12 year-old student and then took him across the border into Mexico so that she could continue her illegal activities with him. The lawyer defending said teacher used the justification that he was "a machismo, latino teenager who knew what he was doing."

    If you don't believe that feminists don't care about when men are victimized, read the comments on that article. It's safe to say that 99.9% of the feminists on there most certainly DID give a c**p that a little boy was being molested by his teacher. The response from feminist readers on was similar, but unfortunately the comments were shut down on that thread for some odd reason.

    I don't know where you people get these batshit insane ideas about feminists and feminism.  

  7. No.  Have you actually read any feminist theory?  

    I don't think there's such a thing as the 'right to be a victim' and if there were, I can't think it would be a good thing.  But if you're asking whether feminism denies that men can be victims, then the answer is still no.  

    Have you considered approaching this issue from a more constructive perspective?  If feminists and men's groups need to work together to do more to help male victims, what kinds of projects should they focus on?  And how would they go about organising such projects?

  8. No and no

  9. I don't know where anyone gets this idea from. Maybe feminists avoided the topic of violence against men before, but times have changed and we've seen it all.

  10. Yup. Can't be a victim and no freedom of speech.  And now a word from our sponsors:

    New word, the Politically Correct henceforth have declared the word "shark" to be illegal.  Substitutions include

    guppie, peace fish, animal of huge appetite, intelligent underwater caring fish, etc.  Please be forwarned.  Punishment includes no "chumming" around for a month!

    Now back to our regulary scheduled program

    "can men be victims?"  <Notice-due to schedule restraints and lack of financial funding, said program has been cancelled.>    

    Bottomline, women are just as human as men and make mistakes.  One of them appears to be many are unwilling to let men vent about unfair practices.  Maybe some have so much anger/hate

    that they can't see men as humans who sometimes suffer at the hands of female bullies.

  11. It actually works to our advantage, just don't tell them!  

    Why on Earth would I want to be a self-absorbed, woe-is-me hater of half the population?  I think most men agree with me.  Using victim status as a tool get ahead in life is shameful, manipulative and cheap.  It lessens real victims, including people who are genuinely dicriminated against or treated poorly in our feminist PC culture.

    Yes, the term "pillars" is probably too phallic, but being a non-PC person myself, I say let these erections stand!

    Shiphrah K:  the definition of who is, and who is not, a victim is actually fluid.  There is a lot of feminist dogma that states that all women are victims of some sort of male abuse or oppression, and that men, by definition, cannot be said to be victims of the same deeds as performed by women against men.  This leads to a PC feminist ability to ignore certain victims because they do not fit in the right mould.  Part of the issue I have is that feminists essentially assert the right to determine who, and who are not, victims.  

    Kleines: "Moan, complain, whine, project, deny, blame, justify... on and on it goes' speaks to the actions of feminists more than it does men!

  12. No. Traditional gender roles deny men the right to be victims.  

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