
Is one of the "perks" of being a gov't official the fact your kids will never be subject to Conscription?

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Face it folks...when the draft comes, you will not see nor hear of even one politician's kid being drafted.




  1. Technically, no, politicians can in no way influence the draft.....

    It is notoriously true however that those Washington kids are good at dodging the draft.  

  2. The only people exempt from conscription are people who are  conscious objectors and people who are not physically or mentally fit to join.  Who your parents are has nothing to do with it, although if some powerful senator or other official doesn't want their kids to go they might try to pull some strings to get them an easy job.  Even celebrities got drafted during WW2 and Vietnam, so I don't know how you got the idea they will be exempt.  One of McCain's kids recently served overseas.

  3. How would you know?!

    Are you a psychic?

  4. They get drafted.  They also volunteer.  There was around eight senators having children,including one of  McCain's son, in Iraq.  McCain's other son went into the Naval academy.

  5. there is no draft there will NEVER be another Draft and the military has repeatedly SAID they are not ASKING for one.  

  6. Nobody gets a permanent exemption.

    Even C.O.s still get drafted.

  7. Evidently you have never read the current draft law.

    You can read it at

    But the real reason you did not hear of Congressmens sons being drafted,

    Is the age of the congressmen.

    The average age of a US representative is 53 years old.

    The average age of a US senator is 61 years old.

    That would make thier children be in thier late 20's and early 30's

    Well beyond draft age.

  8. Sen. McCain's sons are in the Navy.  Congressman Duncan Hunter's son served in Iraq.

    It is no coincidence that these two great men are Republicans!

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