
Is one of the responsibilities of a "community organizer" to organize riots?

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Is one of the responsibilities of a "community organizer" to organize riots?




  1. No, I think that community organizers plan pot luck suppers for the elderly.  

  2. riots are not very community minded?  

  3. Helll no we won't go! NO WAY! NO HOW! NO MCCAIN!

  4. maybe demonstrations but not riots.    riots can't be organized in the first place usually, they are something that starts in the heat of passion for a cause.

  5. Depends on whether they prefer hockey or basketball.  

  6. Obvious you have never worked with people.

    There are different types. Some have MS degree's in Community Economics and try and change things for the BETTERMENT of the community. Actually they are doing you a favor because if they were not there to help those in need you just might have a riot!

  7. LOL, you're really showing your ineptitude. Riots are not organized, they are spontaneous.  

  8. No it isn't. Riots are, by nature, more anarchy than organization.

  9. They are called civil unrest O K We don't use the word riot Next year it well be forced redistribution of wealth not robbery

    In some cases 'civil unrest' is justified as in the R King verdict and as in the O J verdic.........Well as in the R king verdict A few bricks to a truckers head gets your point across

  10. He made sure that they all fired their guns in unison, in an 'organized' fashion.

  11. only osama because he's a black comunist muslim of the devils seed who likes to murder babies and thinks g**s should have rights.

  12. What kind of question is that?

    Riots? No. Rallies? Sure. You can have protests, but don't do riots.

    "At common law an unlawful assembly was defined as a gathering together of three or more persons with the common intent to achieve a purpose, lawful or unlawful, in a riotous or tumultuous manner. The common purpose or intent could be formed either before assembling or after the gathering took place."

  13. Depends on what you are 'rioting' for.  

  14. I don't think you could organize a riot.  I mean that kind of defeats the purpose.   Community organizers are essentially picnic planners.

  15. google it before you make yourself look like an idiot!

    OBAMA IN 08

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