
Is one of your relatives (or someone you know) in Iraq?

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My dad's in Iraq. He's been there for about 2-3 years.




  1. both my cousins were in iraq but they are back now. they are both in the marines.

    is your dad in the military?

  2. no i don't, but i pray for the people who are there and the people that have family/friends there. i couldn't even imagine having to let go of a family member to go to iraq.

  3. My best friends dad was there for about a year

  4. My first cousin and my neighbor both died in Iraq.

  5. Well my cousin just got home. I was sooo happy to see him last week. he had been there for about a year but got to come home early because his graddaughter was born

  6. One of my good frend's dad is there. He's not related to me.. and I've only met him a couple times. But I know it's been hard for my friend.. But he just got back!!! =]

    Your dad is in my prayers.

  7. my father is in iraq. i think this is like his 2nd or 3rd tour. hes been in the military forever though.

  8. my friend is in his 2nd trip, he is in charge of artillary and he met his wife, who is his commanding officer but she does the techinical stuff. they are coming home SOON because they are going a cruise in october.

  9. my uncle is going in two months :(...

    when is your dad getting back?

  10. My brother-in-law went to Iraq twice, but he's back for good now! phew.

  11. My brother is over there..

    comes home in october.

  12. No...I don't have any family members in Iraq...My uncle was in the military more than 26 or 27 years ago. My aunt(My uncle's ex wife) was also in the military. My dad was in the Air Force A LONG time ago...Before my MOM was even born. I'm pretty sure he fought in world war 2.  My cousin was in the navy. His dad was in the...military I think. My other cousin was also in the navy.

    EDIT:Just...10 or 12 years maybe *Cough* 35 years *cough*

    EDIT: My uncle's oldest son is thinking about going into the military like his mom and his dad. Not sure if he's going to go or not...

  13. I don't have any relatives currently in Iraq, but I do have a rich military family history.

    You and your dad will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope he returns safely. 0 : )

  14. yeah my brother is over there. and i'm soooo proud of him for serving the country by being a marine! this is his second tour over there. his first tour was very stressful since he lost his whole team in a roadside bomb. but this tour is sooo much better he says that it is 110% better then last time. i cant wait to see him in early october since he's been gone since march!!

    i'll be praying for your dad and for your family, because 2-3 years is such a long time.


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