
Is one rat okay? Temporarily?

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i may be getting rats soon, hopefully two. My parents are deathly afraid so i will be paying and going to get them etc.

It will be near impossible to talk them into one, so will it be okay to just have one for a few weeks or months?




  1. Rats are very social and sociable little animals so a month or so is perfect for you both to bond with each other and build up a loving,trusting relationship which will remain when you introduce another rat otherwise getting two together can leave you out a bit coz they will bond with each other. You are in for the most amazing experience of your life. These darling little animals are totally entertaining and awesome. Have a look at some rate sites online like:  you will get ideas on cage set ups,toys,feeding and general care of rattys. Happy days,Patty

    PS Expect your Mum to go all melty over them too lol

  2. I will be honest with you here:

    There really is no reason to get a pet with the thought of only keeping it for a few weeks/months.  That defeats the purpose of owning a pet (pets are NOT disposable items or toys: They are intelligent beings that deserve our love, care and respect).

    My suggestion:

    Try doing volunteer foster work with your local shelter.  You can specify which types of animals you would like to foster, you will be doing a positive thing, and you will learn a lot in the process.  

    This way, you get to care for an animal for a short amount of time, and you don't have to worry about finding them a new home etc..


  3. if you can't talk them into getting 2 then wait. they'll do better in pairs regardless. it's better you're paying for everything, so they can't turn around and claim they paid for stuff. but work on getting 2 =) it might work to have one temporarily, but what if they say no to another one? being left alone they normally become more aggressive in the cage and other behavioral issues

  4. I think that as long as it is just temporary, your rat will be ok. However, my definition of temporary may be different than yours. If you absolutely have to keep the rat alone, it should only be for at least a month. I'm sure you understand that rats are highly social and because of this, they require lots of attention and interaction on a daily basis. By keeping the rat alone, you will need to devote slightly more time with your lone rat to ensure that he does not fall victim to depression, which is horrible (I know from experience). Do not worry about it too much though, an hour or two out of the cage everyday with frequent visits to the cage every few hours or so will be enough to tie you over tll you can get another rat. Hope this helps and goodluck with your rat...and parents ;)

  5. I had a lone rattie. he was spoiled and fun and i loved him. I have two ratties now brothers-and they are sadly uncomparable to my old rat. they love and only trust each other.  and perfer themselves. so one is dandy...two might be too, or they might just forget all about you...

  6. One would most likely be fine as long as you give it plenty of attention. I've known many people that have had only one, but rats do like it more when there's more of them.

  7. yes that can be okay if u take care of it extra

  8. Rats are LOTS of fun if you interact with them daily.  Teach them to open boxes with treats in them and they'll do tricks.  Keep them away from candles, they like to "sniff" the fire part.  To wash them, put on a pair of winter gloves and just let them crawl around your soapy hands; the gloves keep them from scratching you up and it's near impossible to put them in water without them lunging out. Feed them practically anything and I recommend a cage with a pullout bottom for undisturbed easy clean up(as opposed to a glass tank). They p**p alot and don't live very long, compared to dogs and cats.  I'm sure if you could put on a show for your rents, they'd fall in love and not make you get rid of it.  Females are also preferable because you don't have to look at huge testicles dangling all the time! (seriously)

  9. It may be alright, but it may not. What happens if your parents don't come around and decide you can only have one? It's best for you to talk to your parents about it. Stress the importance of having two rats to keep each other company. They need a rat friend. No matter how much time you spend with a pet rat, you simply can't make up for it.

    I, like vettech, recommend you wait until you are able to get two. If your parents are deathly afraid, assure them that they do NOT have to handle your rats. They don't even have to look at them if they don't want to. The rats will be YOUR responsibility.

    This worked with my mom. I wanted gerbils, but my mom hates rodents. The only way she came around was when I said she would never, ever have to touch them. I'd be their sole caretaker. I've had them for over 6 months, and to this day, my mom has never touched them. I've kept my promise. It may work with your parents.

  10. Rats are fine alone or multiples.  If alone you'll just have to spend more social time with him.  He should be fine though.

  11. Best to have two. They do better in groups. ..I would wait until you can get both of them.

  12. If you were having a single rat, you'd have to be prepared to spend at *least* 2 hours a day with him/her. You'd have to give him alot of stimulation, like toys and hard-to-get treats, for when you're at school/work... Rats are quite smart and can be affected mentally if they become bored or lonely. They can also become quite destructive to themselves and their surrounding.

    I'd reccomend waiting until you can convince your parents to let you have two. I know, it's exciting, and you're probably impatient to wait. But it will be worth it, really! A rat who has rat companions makes him twice as friendly and loving. And they provide more entertainment.

    Besides, what would you do if you have your one for a few months and then try and get a friend for him and they end up attacking each other, hm? Not all rats get along with each other. So same s*x Rats, from the same litter work best. =)

    When you do eventually get rats, check the web for toy and cage ideas. Http:// is a good site for both diet and toys.

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