
Is one single renewable energy source able to be a replacement for our energy sources today? why?

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Is one single renewable energy source able to be a replacement for our energy sources today? why?




  1. It is highly unlikely that one single renewable energy source can solve all our energy needs, now and in the future, given the diversity of our requirements, from very small, like batteries to very large, like powering NYC on a hot summer day.  

    Others have talked about solar, wind, biofuel, etc.  All have their plus and minus, like everything else on this earth.  One other possible solution, although not technically achievable at this time, is fusion.  We can have the same power generation capacity as fission, but without the nuclear waste problem.

  2. I don't know if you there is a practical one source renewable energy plan.   There is the Walll-Mart solar installation program that involves its stores being converted to solar. A well capitalized company like Wal-Mart can pull this conversion to solar with reasonable certainty.  Wall-Mart can contract with a reliable maintenance company.  My thought is that it would be more prudent to create an incentive for large corporate energy users and the U.S. government to install solar heating and air conditioning.  This incremental approach, I think, is more rational than an attempt to convert the residential units in the U.S.   Consider how difficult it is to get a plumber or electric an to service your home.   These maintenance people are working in a field that is a century old.  I don't think the average family has the financial resources, even with tax credits, to convert to solar or other.  The great problem:  if you could wave a stick and all residential units were solar equipped, who would be available to repair the breakdowns?   Nuclear powered electricity would be a more rational approach.  But, much of the public is frightened by this method of electrical power generation.  We are decades from a solution to a perceived problem of removing oil from the energy equation.

  3. There are several theories about if a single renewable energy source can replace our total energy consumption.

    The best theory I read about was the 2050 plan for solar in the US. Other countries have different needs and potential. The US is well suited for solar and in a short time, solar can replace about 69% of the electricity and up to 35% of our total energy use.

    Now the solar methods of capturing and storing energy are varied but they all use the sun's energy.

    Converting things like large ships, aircraft and trains to electric, biofuel or hydrogen is possible but will take time to research and implement thus the 65% remainder in conventional energy sources (oil, natural gas and coal).

    If you expand those figures the study estimated that by 2100 if we added wind, hydro and biomass it could provide 100% of our electricity and 90% of our total energy use and lower carbon emissions by 92% of 2005 levels.

    Do I think we can do nearly 100% solar even by 2100? I am not sure as 100% is a very finite goal. There are many places and purposes solar may not work at well or at all.

    I do think everything is possible but by mixing mostly solar with wind, hydro and biomass is as close 100% solution as we can theorize today.

  4. thats what i wanna know! someone please answer

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