
Is one woman just like another?

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republican calculation has resulted in McCain's selection for VP of a little-known governor of a far-flung state. In Governor Palin's first speaking engagement as candidate, she reminded us that 18 million democrats voted for Hillary Clinton.

Hillary earned those votes after 16 months of grueling campaigning, and overwhelmingly her supporters have given their support to Barack Obama.

So, do the republicans believe that one woman is like another? Do they believe that because she is female she will automatically win support from a significant number of women?

The republicans had long prepared to do battle with candidate Hillary, and their invective would have included coded messages to white male voters.




  1. Janet, she called the investigation upon herself, in a move to demonstrate open and honest government.

  2. McCain hopes to lure Hillary supporters with this Pro-life, anti-gun control, under investigation for "abuse of power" substitute so I guess Republicans do think women are too dumb to know the difference.

  3. They are hoping that their followers will see it that way. The idiocrasy of this whole republican scheme is getting more and more blatant each week. They actually insult their supporters by asking them to be so ignorant as to believe in their messages and actions.

  4. No way, there are great ones and mediocre ones

  5. No.  I think McCain is hoping to shore up the Republican base with Palin - she's generally quite conservative.  I doubt she will bring many of Sen. Clinton's liberal Democrats along for the ride.

    I think he hoped to get a wow factor by choosing a young woman.  Of course, it might also be a h**l no factor...when people consider that she will be VP to a 72 year old.

  6. Palin is a anti-choice NRA member who wants creationism taught in schools.  McCain just pushed the disgruntled Hillary supporters who might have voted for him back into the Obama camp.

    I'm sure this had to be a move to get him in good with the religious and very conservative voters who don't see him as "Republican enough."  

    Also he had to do something dramatic after Obama's powerful speech.  Words and promises are just words, but as far as political speeches go, it was very good and Obama was even picking up on key words normally used only by conservatives ("personal responsibility" "individual accountability" that sort of thing.)

  7. No

    And your dismissing Palin because she is a female.

    First she was picked because she is a Washington outsider, a reformer and a record of taking on big business and speical interest groups.

    She also lives the middle american lifestyle and not something she did 20 years ago, so when she talks about the 18million Hillary supporters she's not just talking about females

    There are a lost of moderate democrats in that group who are not pro-choice who supported Hillary because Hillary said she would fight for them/

    The most important thing McCain needed to do was distance himself from Bush and that he is doing

  8. Yes,I totally agree with you.

    Hillary Clinton worked incredibly hard to get those 18 million votes. Palin is being used as bait by McCain,who doesn't know how sexist he is being. He thinks that he can just buy female votes and thinks that women will solely vote based on gender and not the issues

    I admit that I'm impressed that Palin is the first female governor or Alaska,and she has brought change to Alaska. It does seem to me that McCain picked her out of desperation,and he doesn't even know her that well. She is currently under going investigation for corruption,the very thing she fought when she first started out in politics,and it seems to me that she wasn't vetted thoroughly

    McCain could've easily picked Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney who have way more executive experience than Palin,but he didn't because he wanted to use Palin for political purposes. The very thing he attacks Obama on

  9. I don't believe we'll pull many female dems. But we will attract a lot of the moderates and undecided woman. Palin was just respecting Ferraro and Hillary today nothing more. They know she will not automatically win support, learn more about Palin and you'll begin to understand why they chose her. Other than just being a women.

  10. Looking at her record, Hillary can't tie her shoes, Hillary would be nothing without Bill. On the other hand the Governor from Alaska has done every thing on her own, now that is a true American Story.  

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