
Is online dating dangerous?

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I met this girl through myspace about a month ago, she had broke up with her girlfriend 3 months before, we now exchange texs through out the day and she calls me as well, she happens to be really into me as I am into her.everyone tells me on line dating are all full of crazy people. is this true, I am so confused and I'm wondering what to do now




  1. It IS very dangerous...

  2. Merry Meet Yolanda,

    Online dating is very dangerous, but if you temper your search with caution and restraint you should be fine. I know of several successful relationships that came from online dating on one form or another. Always try to keep meetings public at the beginning and then move onto other things once you feel comfortable that everything is ok.

    I hope that this information helps you out.

    Always in Light and Love


  3. i know some couples who it turned out fine for them. i think the secreet of safe online dating is to take your time to get to know who you are talking 2.

  4. It's dangerous if you don't take the necessary precautions and use common sense about it.  If you do, then online dating is very fun, efficient and resourceful.  I actually met my current boyfriend of nearly a year online.

    Don't give out any information that can be used in a negative way against you before you meet and trust this person.  It's fine that they have your number - that can always be changed.  But I wouldn't give a stranger online where I live, work, or go to school.  Like I said, common sense.

    When you decide to meet, agree on a very public place to meet.  Somewhere like a Starbucks or a busy park would be perfect and casual.  Second, tell a couple people - like a family member and a close friend - where you are going and that you are going to meet someone new there so that way someone knows where you are.  Bring something to defend yourself [[unlikely you will need it, but better safe than sorry]].  Just a small canister of pepper spray is what I carry.

    Go for it, and be smart.  You never know... maybe you and this person were meant to be.

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