
Is online schooling actually good for my child?

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I am unsure if I should allow my child to attend an online university.

What are the pros and cons of online schooling ?




  1. There is an argument for both sides of your question.

    PROS; Your child will learn at their own pace.

    CONS; Your child will not have the one on one connection with the teachers. Your child will not experience the social challenges of going to college, and will miss the great experience of college altogether. Your child will not have access to study sessions.

    For on line schooling, your child has to rely on themselves and whatever information (if valid information at all) the internet has to offer. Personally, I would never go to school online, I am having too much fun where I am!

  2. Your kid can get the first year out of the way at his/ her own pace.  It seems to be harder because you have to discipline yourself to do everything required and will pretty much just have contact with your teacher through email.  Tell your child to look into CLEP testing.  It might be a way to go too.  Advise your child to not take any classes online that they might have been weak in in HS.  

  3. You talk about "schooling" and your "child" but then ask about a university.

    If you are referring to an elementary or secondary school, I suggest absolutely not.  He/she may get a fantastic first rate education but will sorely lack in social skills.

    If you mean a university, I'm inclined against it but it's just sort of a prejudice that I can't back up other than to say many employers (properly or not) consider an on-line degree to be inferior.

  4. It doesn't sound good.

    its always better if there's a real teacher in front of him.

  5. well, by attending school online rather than going on campus i would think that they would miss out on social opportunities like meeting new people.

    but by attending an online univertsity you would have the convenience of being in your own home and setting times right for you

  6. no don't it's best to physical be there so that person can understand it. my mom is on it and its not really working for

  7. not really

  8. I think it would be good cause your child will get one on one attention from his or her teacher plus they can do there work at there own pace.

  9. It would depend on the grade your child is going into.

    Young children can get plenty of social interaction. Being an online university, it would mean your child is "homeschooled" Whether or not you teach him is beside the point. Homeschool states the "where" not the "who".

    There are plenty of opportunities for homeschoolers in my state (CT)

    To know the social aspect, google homeschool groups in your state.

    Cons: Your child won't learn EVERYTHING easily online. You need to make yourself available for your child, when the teacher isn't able to be, or when your child needs "a different" way to learn it.

    You will need to check on your child frequently, even when help isn't requested. Most online work that's submitted are tests and quizes, and they count for a grade. It's better to make sure your child is doing the work right and not just thinking she/he is.

    Pros: Your child will have a sense of accomplishment

    Hopefully, self motivation as an adult

    Will learn to be a self-starter

    Will learn time management

    Will have interaction with other homeschoolers with similar interests, which may spark new friendships, as well as "learning" groups...

    Your child will not be killed at school or be threatened, robbed, or raped.......I could go on forever.

  10. The pro is that you can go to class in your underwear.  The cons are that you have no interaction with professors or classmates, you can't form the relationships that will include you in a successful social network when done school, your degree won't carry any water when up against degrees earned in a classroom, you get fat from sitting at the computer and not walking around engaging the university lifestyle, I could go on and on.

  11. it depends on the courses

  12. i take my classes online. i started last year and i'm a senior in high school this year. i think that it IS better. i get better grades because i can do the assignments when I WANT to. if it doesn't work out you can always go back to regular school. AND you DO have REAL teachers where if you ever have any question you can call and email and they help you a lot.

  13. i dont know

  14. well its online 4 first i wood recomend a real uni dont u want the best 4 ur kid

  15. it is actually good because they learn more at there own pace. and they don't have to deal with the drama of other students at school. but it can be bad as well because they wont have social skills

  16. This depends on many, many things. Like is your child self-motivated? Do they learn well visually? You can obtain a degree online much faster than you can in a normal university, as long as there is real motivation behind you. It's also a cheaper route, most of the time. I'm sure it's not bad for them, but they will not necessarily receive as much socialization, which does equal less peer pressure. There are a lot of things to consider. But if that's what your child wants, then I don't see any reason why to not allow that.

  17. Well its tough, theres pros of both types of schooling, and cons. i think you should ask your child about it. See what they think. if they choose online, push them to go meet new people and work on the communtication skills. Make sure they meet new friends and people. If they choose normal school, make sure they enjoy it and wanna be there. the worse thing you want to do is have your child hate school. think thise threw with ur child.

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