
Is online schooling hard?

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Im about to start online shooling in January and Im so nervous to start school (any kind of school). Just wondering if anybody has tips.




  1. a good friend was enrolled in a open university.  she said it was so hard, considering that she was also working.  but if you are not employed and have all the time, then i dont see problems  for you.

  2. I am schooling right now!! That shows how hard it is!! I am just taking a break.  You won't even need tips because it is not hard or scary or anything like that! I just do what i can and if i get frustrated, i take a break! (witch i am doing right now!) I hope you like it and dont be scared!



  3. Before srart online shooling. open this site here u will see 13

    5 free online courses

  4. If you are good with working independently you will do fine,good luck on your studies.

  5. not really, you just do some online schooling for a little then ur done. Its really cool

  6. In the program I am in it seems harder than the private school i used to be in only because you are sitting in front of a computer the entire time and it gets frustrating when you are learning a new concept because there is no teacher to directly explain it to you but you can always email the teacher in my program it is just a longer process! Don't be scared its really easy when you get the hang of it.

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