
Is or was there a resort on the Great Barrier Reef?

by  |  earlier

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I believe I saw something about this a few years ago. I think it was actually built on the reef, at sea. I believe maybe it was damaged or destroyed by a storm. Any info, links, etc. would be appreciated. All I can find with an internet search are vacation packages, etc. Thanks




  1. Try the history an the discovery channel. go to google an type in history an what your looking for an some web sight's should come up. then try discovery typing what your looking for. when you type it in put different way's or different phrases of what your looking for. archaeologist would know.

  2. I also remember it but it occurred more than just a "few years ago". It was back in the 1970s or '80s and was wiped out by a cyclone. If my memory serves me correctly, there were no deaths from it, and what didn't sink was dismantled. It was never really a successful business venture and lasted little more than a year.

    I've looked everywhere for information regarding it, but like you, can't come up with anything.

  3. Yes there was a pontoon moored out there.Day tourist would stay out there,and some folk could stay out there for the night.

    I had a search for you but no luck.I would email the people at these links,they may be able to help out

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