
Is organic food really healthier?

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Organic food has a lot of distributors, but when some sort of produce is not in season, wouldn't it be harmful to the environment to ship it across the US or from another country to get it to that store? Semi trucks would have to use a lot of gasoline and give off fumes in the air to get it out there.




  1. If organic food is grown yourself, or locally I would agree that it is healthier, but if shipping is involved, apart from "emissions", the quality becomes of a lower standard, due to length of time taken between picking, handling, packing, shipping and reaching the table.

  2. Well, whether something is organic or not, it needs to be shipped cross-country if it's not in season in a certain region. You aren't going to get oranges in the dead of winter in Minnesota whether you use pesticides or not.

    Organic has absolutely nothing to do with carbon footprints. It has to do with pesticide use and genetic engineering. So I'd say that yeah, they're probably better for the environment than conventionally grown. If you really want to be in harmony with the environment, though, eat local and in-season. You'll have less of a carbon footprint and your food won't require the energy of a hothouse.

    The nutritional difference between organic and conventionally-grown produce is negligible at most. However, some of the fruits and veggies really absorb pesticides and other chemicals, so they might be less ideal for very old and very young consumers.  

  3. its all the same it came out of the same animal as the first one did its just because they get hay not grass its not worth it basicly its a scam

  4. This is a tricky question, since there are no strictly enforced quality standards that separates "organic" labels from commercial ones.

    Ideally, organic greenstuff should be grown in an environment free from most of commercial man-made chemical pesticides and fertilizers, and animals bred for food should be fed non-enhanced feed.  That means grass and corn and regular old "kaning-baboy".  

    Both types are supposed to have smaller ecological footprints, and both are supposed to be more earth-friendly in the long run.

    However, the law only requires a minimum standard that farmers must claim to have met before labeling their stuff "organic".  There's really no way you can be sure the stuff you're getting at the farmer's market is truly organic, unless you were part of the growing process.

    If it is true that the item is organic, then it's healthier for you.  Less chemicals (not zero, mind you, but as few as there can be, since we live in a pretty messed-up environ in the first place) which you ingest into your body.  It's also better for the earth.

    But when you're in the supermarket, don't base your decision completely on the label.  You may not be getting the quality you think you're paying for.  

  5. One good benefit of organic food I see is that we do not consume chemicals into our bodies. As for the transportation for these distributors' goods, it is in the interest of the organization to be environment conscious to improve both the company's portfolio as well as the improve the surroundings.

  6. but we do not have evidence of either side, check back 15 years and I can tell you, but now we just don't know  

  7. depends on your pov.  for your body, yes its healthier.  considering the price and potential effects on the environment, maybe not.

  8. Organic food is not really healthier. It just is less available so much more expensive as well as the paperwork the farmer has to go to to get the right to label it Organic.

    If we could just eat the produce that is available in the area in season, most of us would not have the choices we have now. We would not be eating fresh produce in the middle of the winter. It would all be canned which is not as full of vitamins and minerals as fresh or frozen is.

    There are very few food packing houses in some parts of the country so they would have to be doing without most foods most of the year.

    Whether it is harmful to the environment to ship stuff across the country in semi trucks or air freight them in is not the question, It is do you like the choices you have?

    Semi trucks do not use Gasoline! They use diesel which is the first crack in the oil refining structure. And if items produced were not shipped all over, we would not have the choices we have of anything we purchase. Truck drivers would not have jobs either.

    It is much better to try to get our produce from local farmers if possible whether they be organic or not. Yes, this is better for the environment and for the local economy.

  9. yes they are good, once they are brought to the distrubitors they are thuroughly washed, if they are dirty they chuck em, if u buy one a lil icky its cuz its prolly just outta time and is just rotting

  10. of course it is

  11. Of course! Vegatbles are healthy, aren't they?

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