Recently, I really been into makeup. However, I have read some articles and books on how skin is a good way for chemicals and other foreign substance to enter your bloodstream (i.e. topical medication + patches) and sometimes it is better than ingesting. So, that give me quite a fright because I used many commercial makeup that's full of synthetic chemicals and many are probably hormone disrupters! However, the "mineral" makeup that's supposedly be good for your skin (and health) also contains some byproduct/ contaminants that's bad for you . It's also more expensive than regular products. So, my question is should I invest into organic makeup? Is it really better for you HEALTH ( hey, I rather be healthy than pretty)? Do the FDA regulate the makeup well? Or should I just "quit" makeup all together? And how often should I wear makeup?
Please answer with substantial evidence and a valid source. Thank you!