
Is organic topsoil a good substrate for sulcata tortoises?

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I've heard that topsoil is really good but what would happen to the tortoise if it consumes the topsoil.




  1. "organic" topsoil does not mean anything. A lot of 'organic' soils are loaded with stuff like 'chicken wastes' and so on- which can mean pretty much anything.

    Most successful Sulcata owners use a soil-less mix of about 1/2, by weight, clean playground sand, and 1/2 things like coconut coir (Bed-A-Beast, soaked, then well-squeezed), well-ground cypruss mulch, etc.

  2. they shouldnt eat it, just make sure there is no paresites they could easy kill him. I know this is a lot of work, but I bake the soil for my plants to make sure of know parisites. bake it or something. you should be fine though

  3. i use a forest bed with my tortoises i think you call it bed a beast, the problem with organic soil is it is great for plants but can have things in it that are harmful to tortoises so stick to a half and half mix of forest bed (it is especially for reptiles and is safe) and play sand they won't eat it , you can also use corn bedding it is made from cob corn and is safe if ingested,

  4. they wont don't worry

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