
Is our contemporary society loosing the holistic view of man? Are we becoming too technological?

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Is our contemporary society loosing the holistic view of man? Are we becoming too technological?




  1. If the current european governments sought to change how they treat their own people and taught them something wholistic for a change or gave them the exact services that they need as people to survive, then people would not sit at home eating these meals, calling useless numbers, watching useless theatric performances, and chewing useless tablets, but instead they would feel able to go into their European built cities and be a normal being in a healthy community.

    Gadget technology, fast edible food, chewy mind altering tablets, and hypnotic homo-sapian screen movements, are all side effects of commercialization, but are also security placebos for a wholistically perfoming governmental society.

  2. You are right, people are sitting on their fat butts playing video games,watching idiots ballroom dancing during prime time, while popping pills that they saw commericals for, after microwaving their factory produced dinner.  

    it is pathetic that people are too lazy to cook for themselves or exercise to increase their health.  If you are too much of a loser to prepare your own food, you really deserve the cr*p you are microwaving or ordering on the phone.  (assuming you are not handicapped)

    life and the outdoors are too good to miss.  enjoy food in it's natural state, prepared in your own kitchen with healthful ingredients that you know the consequence of eating. Stop relying on stupid text messages and cell phones.  We aren't meant to be in constant contact with other people, that is why there are doors on the bathroom.

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