
Is our goverment to blame for the rise of terroism?

by  |  earlier

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i am not justicying it nor im i saying we where behind anything innocent people should not get hurt for what gvoverments do but did western imperialism cause these already radical part of the world to have a enemy to fight




  1. If anything, this Administration has taken the most significant steps in the suppression of terrorism.  Clinton responded to the bombing of the US Embassy in Kenya by firing cruise missiles off of a US Navy ship at an Al Qaeda training base.  The Bush Administration put boots on the ground in Afghanistan.  If the Pakistanis were cooperating, Al Qaeda could be rooted out of the Northwest Territories in Pakistan.  If anyone is to blame, it's the Saudis for funding radical Islam and the Pakistanis for not taking substantive measures against the terrorists in the tribal areas.  IMHO

  2. To a limited extent.  We support Isreal's right to exist.  this pisses off certain sects who want them wiped from the planet.  So they use terrorism to get what they want.  If we didn't stand vs genocide, then they wouldn't have to use terrorism

  3. Yes, this arrogrance, and attempt at being peacemaker, and possibilities of jacking oil, has made us the world's enemy. Yet we come out so lucrative, so many immigrants want to come here. But crazy wanna be righteous terrorsits can't come here, so they try to blow us up.  

  4. i stub my toe today its bushes fault i got ecoli its bushes fault . why do people think so low of our government when they actually  have done so much good in iraq . we freed these people who we living under a tyrant who killed his owen people. no the rise is do to a group of nuts who would cut my head off or yours in a second with out a regret  

  5. most likely... America's been making a lot of war crimes, then acts like it can police every country. And now its really cocky. the only result from that can be a rise in crime and "terrorism" or rebellion. we all know 9-11 was an inside job (i hope you know that) and well, we went off into iraq and iran and killed civilians, and got into other countries businesses. no wonder every other country hates america. bush turned it into a s*****r.

  6. How is the US government responsible for Islamic terrorists blowing up Chinese police stations, killing Buddhist monks in Thailand, and Arab Militias killing Africans?

  7. Let me see -- The Japanese had an empire in eastern Asia in the early part of the 20th century and tried to increase the size of the empire during WWII; The Mongols swept across the plains of Asia and into eastern Europe; the armies of Islam swept through the middle east, into Africa, and Europe a few hundred years ago. I guess it hasn't been all western imperialism after all that has created such a mess in the world.

  8. Short answer: Yes

    Our addiction to oil has us constantly meddling in the affairs of nations in the middle east often to the determent of their people.  Bottom line is they hate us because we are over in their part of the world s******g it up.   If we had a progessive policy that carter passed that regan ignored we wouldn't need to have controlling interests in the middle east.

    That being said( 911 was an inside job),done by our own criminal mafia posing as a government     to justify bankrupting our empire, ruining the middle class and dunking us into a police state.  Freedom to fascism.

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