
Is our government dedicated to the moral,social and cultral destruction of our country..?

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This is the claim of Peter Hitchens in todays Mail, the claim is backed by the fact that he should know as he was a former Trot himself and he knew many of the present "government" as they were also student Trots. Although an elected government should be the countrys own worst enemy must be the biggest con ever on an elected democracy you only need look at what they have done since taking office to realise the tragic truth, the first acts in 1997 were to scrap the rules preventing "relatives and family" from joining the already dangerous enclaves being entrenched here, promoting mass immigration and voting in the Human rights act to politicly use and demean the law to ensure mass immigration without opposition and politicly stop opposition by using the race card to stop any open debate.




  1. `New Labour` should adopt one simple mantra, that has been around for Yonks...

    "The road to h**l is paved with good intentions"!

    or better maybe...

    "Robbing hard-working Peter to pay idle paul!"

  2. Say wot?

    No reply googled Quotable quotes ??

    Leon Trotsky most famously said ???

    "Change comes outa da barrell of a gun!" ????

    He da 1st gangsta c-rap ?????

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  3. no ****!!

  4. Yes.

  5. What's a Trot?

    I know the US has been doing things for 60-70 years that does nothing but ruin itself.

  6. You have answered your own question.

  7. No, that is being left to the bigots who write the Daily Mail.

  8. Another ill-written rant.  Have you ever thought of working for the Daily Mail?

  9. Yes!It is!!

  10. YES, definately.

  11. Of course not, don't be silly.  They are dedicated to lining their own pockets, those of their friends and at all costs keeping control of the power.

  12. No

  13. government can only do what the people allow them to do.  So, you might ask if Society is dedicated to these destructions.  As long as people remain uninformed and apathetic it would appear so, in my opinion.  

    government, by it's very nature, will always seek absolute power and control over the people.  The more power government has, the less freedom people have.  This is what destroys our Society.

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