
Is our government failing our neglected children ?

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this is my assignment topic any help would be appriciated i now its a tough one and i understand if you not willing to answer it. thanks to you all how do.




  1. No, their parents are failing them.

  2. Are you asking this from an educational point of view?  I assume you are since this is the homeschooling section.  And by assuming this is an educational question I take it you mean educationally neglected?

    I personally do not think it's the government job/place to educate the masses.  Therefore, no, I don't think they are failing because honestly, what else did people think would happen when they let a huge bureaucratic system educate children their children?  I certainly hope they weren't expecting anything good because that would be silly.  The job of caring for neglected children is for neighbors, family, and local officials.  Not the government or the school system, which, in my opinion, are the same thing.

  3. ahh yeah majorly take a look at some cases that have been in the spot light recently - 12 year old foster girl that died over the weekend - social worker had been at the home the day before she died - the 18month old twins at Sunnybank that had been dead for 9 days before they were found and were the size of new borns. Seriously we're in a day and age were there are places to go if you have no food - there are ppl that you can talk to, but not alot of ppl no about these places, the governement needs to provide more funding so that ppl that are struggling can get help.........

  4. yes, personally as a once neglected child, the government had no awareness to children in state schools that neglection was something wrong or out-of-the-ordinary... how was i supposed to know that not having food to eat was normal? the same with emotional abuse & how it could have such a negative affect on me now... its definately an issue... ive been through alot, emotional abuse & neglection from my parents and, ive also been through sexual abuse.. in year 9 i finally had the guts to talk to a counsellor about it (employed by state gov) and she did **** all.

    :) its something that had affected my life, but overall im a stronger person

  5. Of course the government if failing our neglected children. Why? because in  this country children are no longer seen as a precious commodity, just expendable. lose some children every year to abuse?? no probs, they'll pay you a few thousand dollars to pop out a new one, just to keep up the population growth and stats. It is disgusting and deplorable. I am ashamed of our government.

  6. One point of view

    Yeah, it is failing them. it should provide them with even more free things so there is zero chance they will ever be motivated to do anything productive.

    Another point of view

    Yeah, it's failing them. Lots of inner city schools suck big time due to lack of funding and education is the key to getting out of the c**p situation they are in.

    A third point of view

    No, everything is fine. Neglected children complain too much. When I was their age I had to walk 4 miles to and from school and it was uphill both ways.

    A fourth point of view

    Who cares? They will become criminals when they are older, but then again, we are always building more prisons to house them. Once that gets too expensive we'll just have to fire up more electric chairs worldwide. If we use more solar energy and wind power, we can power all the electric chairs for free so we'll be able to take care of the problem with little money and without creating more greenhouse gases.

  7. The goverment just goes after the easy targets all the time; at least then they can make it look as if they're doing something!

    I read about the Darwin kid, the 12 yr old, who died: got to wonder what the social workers were looking at the day before she died; it wasn't as if she was okay one day and dead the next, was it?! She was off her feet and shut out in the yard with nothing to eat or drink and with a broken leg and a roaring case of osteomyelitis (the stench alone must've been pretty unmissable!). As a foster kid and therefore their responsibility, why didn't the social workers at least insist that she be taken to Emergency? or insist that she be seen by a doctor? If it was a dog, the RSPCA'd be insisting it was taken to a vet.

    (Being born and bred up here tho, I'm willing to bet I already know all too well *why* it happened; why those social workers failed to see the girl was dying in front of them!)

    One thought: *which* goverment are we meant to be discussing here? Or just goverments in general? The OP's question seems to originate from the '' server but I reckon there are people from three different countries here, all labelling their gov't as 'failing'. Seems pollies are no better wherever they're from!

  8. I think they are disparately failing the poor children forced into public school settings.  The kids are neglected by teachers who are mere employees of the state rather than loving parents.  The children are neglected by falling more and more behind rather than having one on one loving attention of a parent.  The children are failed by a system that would rather label them LD to get added money rather than simply spending time to disciple them and work with them one on one.  Yes, the public school system is a horrible form of neglect for so many children of this nation. It is a government failure.

  9. It's very difficult for government agencies to take care of neglected kids when the parents are not taking care of them. It's actually impossible. In the case where parents do want to take care of them, it depends on the parents and the resources available at a locality.

    Parents dread the idea of sending their kids to special schools for the disabled and kids learning disabilities because of the stigma associated with having a disabled child. That's why they will try and even LIE to get their kids into normal schools which are not well-equipped to deal with troubled kids and those with learning disabilities. Kids with learning disabilities often develop compensation for their problems. That means they will develop some advanced abilities to help them cope with the impairment in some areas. Parents and psychologists will seize this as proof giftedness and try to get schools to cater for them specially. Of course, schools will reject this argument. Disappointed parents will often take it into their own hands, doing homeschooling or invent their own ways to deal with the problems. And often the result won't be the best because they don't have enough skills and finance.

    What is required is a balance approach where parents seek support from government and provide what governments cannot do. Having said that, I would agree that governments often fail to provide enough help. There isn't enough money floating around to take care of the disadvantaged kids.

    Parents should be very careful because once they make the wrong decisions in the formative years of their kids' life, their kids will be affected for the rest of their lives. For me personally, I find that some aggressive parents really turn me off and become nightmare for teachers and schools.

  10. yes, they are in so many ways, but heres 1 for you, it happend to my son when he was in the 3rd grade, while he was "still" in public school.

    My son has sever dyslexia, & on top of that  is on a feeding pump every 3 hours.

    The school refused to help him with the dysleixa saying 3 times, it doesnt exists!!

    And they wanted me up there every 3 hours to hook him on the pump.

    What really pissed me off, was I flat out asked them... How many other kids are letting fall through the cracks because oyu dont  want to help those with dyslexia?? I promise you theres more children that has it here in this school, they any of yo uwant to admit.

    Its just easier for them to ignore them, then help them!

    My son wasnt able to read Cat & the HAt to me when eh was in the 3rd grade, & we were workign our butts off at home too, but I told them school, since none of theteachers here have a clue hwo to do there jobs, I'll do it for them, I'll hoenmschool my son!  And we have too.

    My son is a very socialble child, & has a very high iq too.  

    Our president has this thing called "No child left behind"-- boy is that the biggest d**n joke Ive heard!!!!!!!!!!!! Our president is such a failure at everything he does!!!

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