
Is our society defeating evolution - a question about ethnicity and s*x?

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and in case anyone misconstrues this as ignorant or something Id like to explain that Im actually pro-g*y across the board except when it comes to myself in the actual processes. like i said, overpopulation is a problem, and being g*y helps! not to mention gives me more of a shot with the ladies...




  1. Wow you've got a lot of assumptions thrown in there.

    Your racial preference has nothing to do with evolution.

    Homosexuality has nothing to do with evolution.

    Overpopulation has nothing to do with evolution.

  2. Don't quite understand the question, but has to be a hormone thing. There have been g*y people as long as there have been history books, before the Earth was overpopulated. There are even g*y animals, who act mostly on instinct. There have always been and will always be homosexuals, or at least that's what I think, that's why it still persists

  3. well idk but i think the world would be much better if everyone had a child w/ someone of a diffrerent race thus cancelling out race leaving nothing for racists to talk, but at the same time we need other races because it gives us individuality, and as for g**s idk about them i dont really have a problem w/ them but that is kind of true it is defeating evolution but i really dont kno much im only 15

  4. The question of survival is null at this point in our evolution.  We do not need to breed with the best of the gene pool, thanks to our medical advances.  There is no such thing as survival of the fittest for humans anymore.

  5. Homosexuality is not genetic, therefore has nothing to do with evolution.

    Breeding between different races of people will have almost 0% impact on human evolution. The difference between genes of someone black and white is so insignificant that it has microscopic effect on the human gene pool. Evolution comes about because there is an environmental threat that threatens a species' ability to reproduce. Organisms with genes better suited to this changing environment live longer and therefore breed more, widening the amount of offspring with these better genes. Where does this apply to someone's skin colour? The only way I can see this as being relevant to human evolution is if the world were suddenly covered in mud and giant man-eating monsters rove the earth - then darker skin would help with camouflage.

    This site can answer pretty much all of your questions on evolution:

  6. ivityUsing the word," generally" is your way of using a double entente that you can use, if challenged, as  a mattress you can land on when presenting commentary to your audience  that is not readily accepted.  My question to you which I hope you ponder is: "What difference does it make  to you what sexual orientation differences are unacceptable to you.  I agree, sexual crimes against the defenseless, ie: children,  are truly acts of insensity and selfishness.I admit that I appreciate meeting a person who attracts me because of my ability to use critical assessment.  Members of our national population who have the courage to be different, are truly admired by me.  I accept any responsible behavior that does no harm.

  7. I actually read your entire RANT... and I must say your screen name says it all.

  8. wow deep. Everything is not quite what it seems. Lots of people are attracted to different races.

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