
Is our time up?

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Everyone is so worried about saving the planet, but is it possible that the human race has run its course and it's time for another lifeform to occupy this planet?




  1. Hmm...................... no. We're too evolved to evolve further.

    Unless you are talking about chavs.

  2. Most species adapt to changing environments and there is no reason to think we wont do the same

  3. yeah ithink about that  some times but i hope not

  4. Lets hope so! we will be taxed to death long befor the earth gets too hot

  5. some other lifeform might occupy this planet..

    but it's bound to end someday..

    can we save the planet?

    we can elongate it's lifespan by cutting back on C02 emissions, and conserving resources..

    there's so many ways to help the planet..

    human race will dwell for maybe another millenium.

    then our time is up, beacause we didn't know how to take care of our only planet.

  6. Yes maybe.  I don't think our time will end for a good few years yet though.


  7. No doubt you are referring to Arsenal supporters!

  8. The End is near unless you vote for food stamps hilly.

  9. do not worry - it isn't

    everything goes in cycle in this world

    human race just goes on - only undergoes certain changes

  10. No, anyone who is reading this will be dead before anything happens to this planet, so it really does not bother me.

  11. Our time is definitely up; humans have another 50 years at most. Our pollutimg and destructive activities have destroyed the climate; extreme droughts, floods and other weather conditions are gradually eliminating farming i.e. our ability to produce food, and have already done so in much of Australia and Africa; the rapid disappearance of countless birds and animals from the planet completely disturbs our ecological balance; particularly pertinent is that the Bee which pollinates the plants i.e. growth of vegetables etc, is now disappearing too. No coincidence that it is disappearing most rapidly in the U.S. which has the largest areas of genetically engineered crops. Its getting harder and harder because of climate change to produce food, yet the world's population keeps growing and the Pope continues to instruct starving people in the 3rd World not to use birth control. Countries such as China and India are industrialising but on a rapid scale and in a fashion that is simply extending the terminal problems of polluted air, climate change and ruined agriculture.

  12. Hopefully just the Chavs and the greedy will go

  13. according to Indian myth world have its end but nothing is impossible ...we as da human living on dis earth can save it ...
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