
Is our tv going to blow?

by  |  earlier

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for the last week our tv sometimes losses all colour slowly over a few seconds then go's completly black for a minute or so, then slowly comes back, it continues to do this over a while, sometimes continuously. The volune stays and when you change channel its exactly the same, volume and colour.its around 5 yrs old, and a philips brand, any help?




  1. Sounds like the Modulator, Sorry but I think your TV is dying.

  2. This is only educated insight, I do not claim to know the answer absolutely.

    I will give a general answer first; a circuit is malfunctioning that decodes the colour signal, and is messing up the overall picture.

    The specific answer;  The system used in analog television for colour is a compromise, and making use of this compromise requires some tricky electronics inside the TV.  When colour TV first came out it was decided that B and W TV's still had to receive this signal, displaying the B and W version of the colour broadcast.  So to maintain backwards compatibility, a method was devised where the colour signal would piggyback on the B and W.  This is called NTSC, after the National Television Systems Committee.  Complex circuitry (for the 1960's) "un-piggybacked" the signal.  When decoding the colour signal, the TV has a clock (like a computer clock) that has to stay in lock-step with the incoming TV signal.  60 times a second, the incoming signal sends a signal to set the clock to the proper time.  This akin to checking your watch with your cell phone, etc, and resetting the watch to display the correct time.  I suspect the clock in your TV is not keeping the proper time.  Just like a slow watch could result in catching the wrong bus, a slow or fast clock will result in the TV displaying the "wrong" part of the signal.  If you go long enough without resetting your watch, it will eventually drift back to the proper time.  The clock in the TV may be drifting back to the proper time, which is why the picture returns.

    This is the best explanation I can offer, there could be other problems as well that cause this

  3. Its not gonna blow up, its sounds like it's starting to burn out. Thats what happened to my t.v. Just start think about buying a new one.

  4. RIPTV

    I think its ready to condolences  

  5. my tv does that sometimes but if it does that really often then u should get a new one

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