
Is our tv safe?

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Hi, our tv started making awful noises last night. To cut a long story short, my husband disconnected the internal speakers in the tv and we now have it running through the surround sound system, which has stopped the noise. But is it safe?




  1. Not an expert at this but Id say your tv is perfectly fine, excluding the speakers.  Coulda been some kind of interferance with your speakers, but not likely.  The spekaers are more than likely no good.  You should have no problems with the way your husband hooked it up.

  2. the noise was probaly your speakers, or something

    interfering with the tv!

    yes your tv is safe!

  3. Yep its safe. their could b something wrong with the audio amp circuit or their could jus b a build up of dust inside n you need to have it looked at by a pro.

  4. based on the fact that the sound went away when your husband disconnected the internal speakers, it sounds safe to me.

  5. hi

    it depends if your husband is a home theater freak and you did not allow him to connect the surround speakers. He probably put some circuitry to make the TV speakers make those awful noises, so that he could have a reason to switch the speakers!! If thats the story, then its perfectly safe...

    Otherwise, too there is no speaker which is dangerous, unless you are looking at a Mcintosh XRT2K or something... however he speaker also needs a power source to be dangerous, none of the TV's have enough power on the speaker lines, so be rest assured its safe...

  6. if he has connected the wires that use to goto the speaker to a amplifier or to speakers directly that would be unsafe.

    if he disconnected the speakers only then most likely the speakers are faulty and lost there surrounds on the paper cone or their is a fault in the audio amp or you have an incorrect setting in the sound or systems settings.

    overall the audio amp and other components contain safety circuits and should shut down if a serious fault occurs it should be ok providing he hasnt connected them dirrectly off the speaker wire inside the tv

  7. Not sure...Get it checked out.

    The family down the road had there house burn down and they found out the tv caused the it does happen.

  8. If the noise was just coming out of the internal speakers, yes, I think the television is probably safe.  Turn if off if you see smoke.

  9. Yes its safe, sounds like the internal speakers were faulty.  Good luck if you take it back under any warranty because opening the casing will have voided that now.

  10. Yes we do that too it's perfectly safe.
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