
Is over $500 taken out for taxes too much??

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My husband's check was $1,827.50 before taxes. He did not have any insurance or 401K taken out and his final weekly check was $1,369.00! He claimed married and 4 on his tax forms. That seems outrageous to me. Is this normal? This is ridiculous. He works in Mississippi.




  1. Sounds a little high.  Go to and enter his information, and see what numbers match or don't match what shows on his pay stub.

    By the way, do the math again - that is NOT over $500 taken out - it's $458.50, which is well UNDER $500.

  2. Sounds reasonable! The deductions are Federal Tax, State Tax, Medicare, Social Security.  Just remember you are at the lower end of the tax bracket, and the top 5% of wage earners pay 95% of federal income taxes.  We are lucky to be at the bottom.  Think of how those making over $50,000 a year with double income feel, especially when they are dual income.  This next election really worries me.  If the one party gets elected, your deductions will increase considerably.  The one party wants to keep the rates the same.  

  3. That's about right.  According to this is what he should be getting:

    Weekly Gross Pay:  $1,827.00

    Federal Withholding:  $213.00

    Social Security:  $113.27

    Medicare:  $26.49

    Mississippi:  $86.00

    Net Pay:  $1,388.24

    Actually it appears that he's either having something else taken out as well or possibly claiming 3 allowances instead of 4.  At any rate, it's very close to being correct.

    Oh, and by the way, that's $458, not "over $500" that was withheld.

  4. yes its normal. sadly. my boyfriend makes almost 900 a week and only brings home 600 or so.  taxes suck.

  5. Well there's a lot that is taken out of your check.  

    There's federal and state income tax.  There's also Medicare & SS taxes.

    The best thing to do is look at the check stubb.

    There's nothing you can do about the Payroll taxes, but you can adjust your state & federal.

  6. It's normal but rediculous.  Of course it's too much it's government theft.

  7. What does is pay statement say?

  8. Perhaps.  Go to Payroll office, ask for a breakdown on that pay period. I don't know why, it should have come automatically attached to the check.  Unless it was auto deposit, and then the check is followed up with a paper of deductions.  You do this verification yourself.

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