
Is overdosing on Pro plus caffeine tablets dangerous?

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I hav a lot of work i need to do which means taking a lot of these




  1. u should never take an overdose of cafine pills u will end up in the hospital and throwing up for a week.

  2. a lethal dose of caffine is around 10g a pro plus tablet is around 50mg meaning you would need around 200 to kill yourself... people take packets of 24 proplus without too many  ill effects on nights out so i wouldnt worry about it lol

  3. Yes if you take way too much you could die although this is very rare. Take them in moderation and in accordance with the instructions on the back.

  4. yup be careful of taken to many or you will end up in Hospital.

  5. Yes, overdosing on any drug is dangerous... caffeine is no exception. You can severely damage your heart if you overdose on caffeine.

    If you would like other options for energy that aren't harmful drugs, there are several natural options available. The most popular energy boosters are B-12, Royal Jelly (and other bee-based products), L-Carnitine, Ribose, Ginseng, Guarana and Green Tea (both are natural sources of caffeine).

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