
Is overusing of the plastic causing imbalance in the nature & leading to global warming?

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perticularly in India spillage of plastic is increasing with every passing day & citizens have taken it as part of their life. This non-destructive material will cause such a dumping problem, the future generation will curse the one, who has invented the material. Is not too late to ban it internationally?




  1. Of course it is.

  2. no, the sun causes global warming.

    join the heresy

  3. Global warming and cooling is a constant phenemenon in nature and it happens every few hundred years.

    The present problem is not only because of natural causes but human induced rise in temperature which is due to our non sustainable way of living. This excess rise in temperature is due to pollution, over exploitation of natural resources, over use of fossil fuel, greenhouse effect gases, cutting of forests and some other factors and use of plastic is one of them.

    We should use plastic very carefully and try to reuse it but never throw it. Now bio plastic has also been developed which is biodegradable and we should try to use it only.

  4. Plastic is only causing unhygenic conditions in nature but not leads at great to global warming. Global warming is only caused due to formation of excessive CO2, CO that is mostly through Aeroplanes, Vehicles etc.

  5. Plastic is a very general word- Plastics have its own natural advantage which man had rightly utilised for their development. Indeed it has its own impacts. We have to view the overall benefits and arrive at a conclusion, not simply banning plastics. We all know the health effects of Coke, Pepsi, McDonald etc., is anyone trying to stop them, then why plastics alone. All that we need is to come with sound research which will negate the problems of plastics but utilise the benefits of plastics. This is what India is lacking.

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