
Is pain in the p***s normal after recently passing stones? Or is it possible that there is another stone?

by  |  earlier

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(This question is for my hubby)




  1. All of the above.  There is a possibility the first stone caused some bruising in it's travels down the Yellow Brick Road.  Plus - it might have a little cousin trying to get thr h**l out of Dodge, too.

  2. Depends on how long ago it was passed.

    Call you Dr just to be sure.

  3. i know a friend who expieranced this and he didint have any pain after passing one. most likly you have another or fewe more that are redy to pop out. you got my respect man i would never handle that pain......

  4. It's normal, the stones can damage the passage inside it. Don't forget you should strain the stones out so they can be inspected by your doctor to see what type they are.

    The information can be used to alter the diet to stop further instances.

  5. It can be normal but you didn't say how recent it was, He could actually have another one to pass. You need to give a little more information.

  6. The stones can scratch inner lining of urethra - very painful. It could be either.  

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