
Is painting house number on curbs any good?

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My dad said I should get a job and told me i could paint the house numbers on the curbs and charge them 10 dollars.

Is this too much? would you pay for someone to paint your number on your curb?

thanks in advance.




  1. No I wouldn't. Not many people around here do that anymore. I just prefer to have lighted numbers on my house that they can see at night.  

  2. You can work for me, kiddo.

    $10 is pricey, so aim for the well established neighborhoods.

  3. if we had a curb I would - wouldn't you want an ambulance or a police car to find your house in an's rather hard sometimes...

  4. I had some kid ask me if he could paint my street number on the curb. I agreed for $10. He actually got my whole street to do it. Looking up an address by looking at the curb is easier than looking for the numbers on the house. Good luck.  

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