
Is palin appealing to anyone but her conservative base?

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I don't see this speech as doing anything to win over undecideds. She sounds like Velma from s****. doo.




  1. sorry, not really relevant, but i just read her described as;

    "caribou barbie"

    having got my breath back, made more coffee and cleaned up my keyboard and desk, i just wanted to share....

  2. I don't see how she could.  Her attacks on Obama were completely unfounded.

    She basically called him nothing more than a community organizer, yet he was state senator for 8 yeas and US senator for nearly 4.  In comparison, she's been governor of one of the least populated states for less than 20 months (and yet already manged to abuse her power), and before that was mayor of a tiny town for a few years.  It's ludicrous for her to criticize Obama's experience.

    Then she called him a tax-raiser, yet Obama's economic plan calls for tax cuts for more Americans than McCain's!

    Palin is no experience and no substance.  The only people she should appeal to are gun-totin' abortion-hatin' oil-lovin' creationist right-wingers.

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